An Eclipse Esoteric Secret:
As Above so Below
By Trishula Das
This is the Why?
Many will tell you what to do, however, they do not tell you why!
Rahu and Ketu are shadow planets, yes there energy and influence will increase in you if you look at the eclipse! Pregnant women should never look at an eclipse because they need to be calm, they do not need to be processing all the karma's that will download from these shadow planets (grahas).
Your thoughts, mantra, attention, intention become a 1,000 X more powerful during an eclipse. Your solar and lunar channels the run either side of your spine in your body mirror the sun and the moon in the sky.
During an eclipse the solar and lunar energetic (pranic, Qi) channels become disconnected, their energy (solar and lunar channels) are diverted up the central Qi (Chee) Channel called the Shushuna.
When there is an eclipse our subtle energetic pranic chi channels or Nadi’s include the solar (pingala- male- shiva- yang- right side) and lunar (Ida - feminine-shakti-yin-left side) channels (nadi’s) become eclipsed too, they run up the right side and left side of the spine.
There is more energy available and Kundalini Shakti Maa diverts and runs up the central channel. Rahu and Ketu, shadow planets are (the north and south nodes of the Moon). They create the eclipse they are the Kundalini AXIS. Rahu and Ketu are the serpent power and they create both the eclipses of the SUN and MOON. Rahu and ketu do not own land, they are shadow planets and as we have shadows within us, these shadow are released for transformation when the sun and moon are eclipsed.
What exactly does this mean?
It means that the energetic channels that run along side of our spine the Ida and Pingala become eclipsed their energy slows down and more of their energy freely is forced up the central channel (kundalini) Shakti will automatically run up the central channel of our bodies.
The Sun and the Moon energy in our body is suddenly released, unconscious people may not understand or know what is happening and my become lunatics (lunar) and loose their minds.
You do understand during a regular full Moon some people become unhinged well during a lunar eclipse many may become unhinged. To be unhinged means: the lunar and solar channels become unhinged in your body. For the unprepared this kundalini awakening can be traumatic.
When there is too much emotional unresolved, repressed emotional (moon) and the soul (sun) is covered over this release up the central channel can be reactive (mars). Many will be forced into looking at their shadow (Rahu and Ketu) the eclipsing forces, they may become ungrounded and unhinged.
For the ones who love transformation, who have done some work this is a yahoo great great positive moment in time what would take 1000 days of sadhana (practice) now is instant.
Kundalini is released and sent up the middle channel during an eclipse there is no forcing. This is a natural phenomenon, it is automatic.
This is why the ancients say meditate, pray, focus on what you want because you get what you focus on, be still, be alone, take it easy, stay inside.
I know for myself when I an eclipse is happening, the feeling of being 'out of my body',
surreal, being other worldly.
3 days before an eclipse, 3 days after be aware.
by Trishula Das (Copyright) All Rights Reserved -
Why, because it has taken me a lifetime of practice.