Buddha Jyanti, 2,580th Birth anniversary of Gautama Buddha. Many people many thoughts, some say Buddha was an avatar of Vishnu others say Buddha followed the path of Shiva... he was Indian.
This full moon is 'Buddha Siddhartha Gautama' birthday called “Buddha Purnima” and Wesak or Vesak and Buddha Jyanti.
May all beings achieve enlightenment.
May all beings be happy.
May all beings be free from suffering.
May all beings develop and intellect and discernment
'Not this, Not that'.
Buddha (Buddhi) Mercury = Intellect the power of thought and thinking for oneself, it is all inside. The power of your MIND.
The full moon tomorrow (April 29/30 2018) takes place in the Nakshatra (Lunar Mansion) of Swati, growth, growing and trying to grow, reaching for higher levels. Swati blows in the wind but if firmly grounded, sprouts back up and is always reaching for new wisdom. Swati sways back and forth but is ever growing and has the power (Shakti) to scatter like the wind. Swati loves to be free to move where they want, when they want, they are independent and self going. Do not put me in a box. Their sword is the power of intellect and their need to learn.
The Moon is actually not pink in colour unless I edit it pink which I have done to this moon? It is called a 'Pink moon' because of spring flowers and a moss called 'pink moss' that grows at this time. It is called the pink moon because the 'farmers almanac' calls it so, the pink is from our reference point here on earth looking around here, not from looking up to the moon in the sky.
This moon is also, called a sprouting grass moon, which when related to the moon being in the Nakshatra of Swati may relate more because Swati is a young sprout or shoot blowing in the wind.
New Growth, rise up, spring forth, swaying in the wind, bless us with knowledge and wisdom Saraswati Ma and help us be strong Hanuman the son of the wind God, Vayu which is part of the name Baul (Vayu Tula) to raise the vital Vayu (air) the Bauls call pranayama Vayu Dharma this relate to Hanuman because Baul is from Birbhum the land of the strong Bhumi (Mother Earth).
Jai maa