Copy Right 2010 - 2040
No poaching, stealing, hijacking, deleting names from this lineage, do not any information about the Bauls of Bengal or anything written about Baul on this page or web site and other blogs.
No reworking terms or stories and name dropping.
No cherry picking, reducing and waterinng down this lineage, generalizing ,or making generic or random but using everything from this Lineage, songs, dress, Ekatra Baya Nupoor on and on but creating new lineages?
All rights reserved in regards of The Bauls of Bengal
Other pages help yourself
Please do not tell these stories in writing or in a documentary.
No cherry picking reducing and waterinng down this lineage, generalizing ,or make generic this Lineage to include yourself.
There has been way too much abuse of this lineages songs, history and stories.
Too many telling untruths and watering down, reducing, songs, name dropping that which has nothing to do with you.
Stories or association with Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, Rolling Stones, George Harrison and others are only this lineages story to tell.
Stop name dropping and cherry picking.
I can see who copies and pastes from this web site and my blogs.
I have seen all over years now.
If you want to use anything contact: Babu Kishan
Please contact him at - [email protected]
Stop the watering down and reductionism of the beautiful indigenous Baul Lineage.
'Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.'
George Bernard Shaw
A very long read, but truth regarding the recent digitalization of Baul songs from the home of this lineage, the home Babu Kishan grew up in with his Guru Grandfather Nabani Das Khyapa Baul.
To me academic scholars are a big part of the indgenous cultural genocide of the Bauls. They speculate, self-determine, make up stories and lineages. It is a joke, now the colonizers have gotten their hands on (British Library) on what they can not understand. By the way Babu Kishan has already copies and has preserved all the Baul songs over a 60 year period?
Whatever Academic scholars touch become watered downed, reduced and turns to dust? It is time for more Indian scholars who at least understand the languages, regarding Baul they should know all of Indian Music, Folk music of India and devotional music of India, oral Sanskrit and vernacular Birbhum Bengal, and their style of Sandhya Bhasa including allegory, metaphor, paradox and riddle, how can you understand? Colonial University stystems have proven over and over they destroy cultural memories and have a hand in cultrual genocides. Why because of copy and paste from books that are already wrong, it is like a bad form of gossip?
I can't stand cleaning up all the wrong teachings, I have written a whole chapter in our new Book to be released trying to clean up all these speculations and by the way Babu Kishan new all of the scholars who wrote about Baul, so he knows who and what academic scholars are. The chapter is a waste of time in the book on academic scholars but it must be said.
This picture of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul was taken by Rabindranath Tagore, the only Baul who initiated Tagore into Baul.(1920's).
No poaching, stealing, hijacking, deleting names from this lineage, do not any information about the Bauls of Bengal or anything written about Baul on this page or web site and other blogs.
No reworking terms or stories and name dropping.
No cherry picking, reducing and waterinng down this lineage, generalizing ,or making generic or random but using everything from this Lineage, songs, dress, Ekatra Baya Nupoor on and on but creating new lineages?
All rights reserved in regards of The Bauls of Bengal
Other pages help yourself
Please do not tell these stories in writing or in a documentary.
No cherry picking reducing and waterinng down this lineage, generalizing ,or make generic this Lineage to include yourself.
There has been way too much abuse of this lineages songs, history and stories.
Too many telling untruths and watering down, reducing, songs, name dropping that which has nothing to do with you.
Stories or association with Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, Rolling Stones, George Harrison and others are only this lineages story to tell.
Stop name dropping and cherry picking.
I can see who copies and pastes from this web site and my blogs.
I have seen all over years now.
If you want to use anything contact: Babu Kishan
Please contact him at - [email protected]
Stop the watering down and reductionism of the beautiful indigenous Baul Lineage.
'Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.'
George Bernard Shaw
A very long read, but truth regarding the recent digitalization of Baul songs from the home of this lineage, the home Babu Kishan grew up in with his Guru Grandfather Nabani Das Khyapa Baul.
To me academic scholars are a big part of the indgenous cultural genocide of the Bauls. They speculate, self-determine, make up stories and lineages. It is a joke, now the colonizers have gotten their hands on (British Library) on what they can not understand. By the way Babu Kishan has already copies and has preserved all the Baul songs over a 60 year period?
Whatever Academic scholars touch become watered downed, reduced and turns to dust? It is time for more Indian scholars who at least understand the languages, regarding Baul they should know all of Indian Music, Folk music of India and devotional music of India, oral Sanskrit and vernacular Birbhum Bengal, and their style of Sandhya Bhasa including allegory, metaphor, paradox and riddle, how can you understand? Colonial University stystems have proven over and over they destroy cultural memories and have a hand in cultrual genocides. Why because of copy and paste from books that are already wrong, it is like a bad form of gossip?
I can't stand cleaning up all the wrong teachings, I have written a whole chapter in our new Book to be released trying to clean up all these speculations and by the way Babu Kishan new all of the scholars who wrote about Baul, so he knows who and what academic scholars are. The chapter is a waste of time in the book on academic scholars but it must be said.
This picture of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul was taken by Rabindranath Tagore, the only Baul who initiated Tagore into Baul.(1920's).
"In 2005, UNESCO Declared the Baul Tradition a:
"Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".
The above statement is nothing to be proud of!
Here is what you should know!
A Bangladeshi UN official wrote a thesis, to obtain 9 million dollars to preserve Baul through the United Nations, he disappeared. Really noting has been done to preserve Baul other than a little bit of random. His writing were based on Baul being a Persian term and being from Persia.
100% NOT true Bauls are not from Persian, Bangladesh, Turkey, Uzbekistan?
No such thing as Muslim Bauls, only used by Muslims to collect donations.
He has no connection to authentic Baul at all, how can he, Baul was extinct decades ago. There are many who say they are Baul but are not and all can be proven.
This is a way of duping and getting funds from the United Nations and other organizations, this is not new. Baul was popular and still remains a topic of discussion but very little of what is presented is true. Mish mash of the same name dropping, copy and paste from books as reference to prove you are legit?
Now others are trying to do the same thing, making documentary trailers of Baul of people sitting around smoking ganja who are not even Baul.
However, this person has a connection at the United Nations, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to put together the link? I can bet the guy from Bangalore who is doing this documentary on Baul is going for funding from the United Nations.
Babu Kishan met him in a suburb of Vancouver years back and he didn't have a clue who Babu was. Babu Kishan didn't have a clue who he was, I can only speculate he must have researched who Babu was and saw Baul did a bit of research and away he went. It is not innocent.
Scholars are trying to see if they copy and paste enough, from scholars to obtain funds if they can create a template to do the same? The scholars have all written wrong about Baul, the system is broken and it is really boring qualifying all, but the qualifying book by book will be done. It has to, if something belonged to you, you would care, if it did not belong to you, you would not care, simple and might even make fun! You, might even appropriate all the Babu Kishan has written, cherry picking and then presenting yourself as an authority on Baul in Youtube video's?
Babu Kishan has had so much personal experience with this and he knew all the scholars who wrote on Baul from the 1960's onward and person friendships with Carol Solomon obtained funds and had Babu sign for her funding. Then she hid and wrote about Lalon Fakir as a Baul?
When it came to bring a Baul in after she obtained money for this project which she said she would include Babu Kishan in, she brought in a random Baul for free. This is the way, it has been really difficult. It has happened over and over. Babu has helped more scholars that anyone with their thesis, very few give credit, and they have not explained Baul correctly, when he has asked them to change it, they avoid him.
Writing about Baul from outside Baul and making documentaries about Baul has created a cultural genocide of Baul, it continues. From outside Baul can be people who are not trained under a lineage Baul, or scholars who speculate, people with ulterior motives of collecting funds or awards to make them legitimate.
This using of Baul, Babu Kishan has watched since the 1960's.
The Baul's in India were a side note, but again using, Bauls are associated with Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg and George Harrison, using stories from this lineage and songs but not naming the poets?
Saying Bauls followed Baba Pagla when they did not or the so called Bauls were not Bauls. All this waters down and reduced Baul, twisting truths everyday. It is a way to get funds, creating new narratives, it is a way to obtain government funds, funds at universities, United Nation funds, and Indian awards.
No one on this earth would even know about Baul without this lineage, however, today they a side note not even mentioned, Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and Brajabala Dasi, Purna Das Baul and Babu Kishan mostly outside of India. The
The term Baul is made of 2 Sanskrit words, Vayu Tula, B is V in Bengal thus, Vayu = Bayu, Tula is to balance, balance what the vital airs (prana) through the breath. Bauls practice what they call as what Babu Kishan explained to me Vayu Dharma is Pranayama through their singing and other techniques.
Vayu Tula = Bayutula, Batula = Baula = Baul, Bauls always shorten things down, this does not mean the watering down and the reductionism that is going on today.
The oral part of Baul is oral Sanskrit. I would suppose anybody using this statement understands that the oral is oral Sanskrit and has been taught by their Guru!
This is the level of using Baul, it is rampant.
It is impossible to preserve the Bauls of Bangladesh because they never existed, Sai Aul Dervish and Fakir are NOT Baul they are Islamic Sufi and different from Baul.
I have to laugh, they say, Baul does not care who the poets are? You are not even close to being a Baul if you do not know?
Everybody is cheating so why not make a new narrative and cheat this indigenous Baul lineage?
This lineage the only Baul lineage a Sanskrit oral Baul lineage and tradition always knows who wrote the poetry!
Muslims do not speak or write in Sanskrit, it is not their tradition. Urdu is not Baul?
Bauls are only from Birbhum!
The term Baul is made of 2 Sanskrit words, Vayu Tula, B is V in Bengal thus, Vayu = Bayu, Tula is to balance, balance what the vital airs (prana) through the breath. Bauls practice what they call as what Babu Kishan explained to me Vayu Dharma is Pranayama through their singing and other techniques.
Vayu Tula = Bayutula, Batula = Baula = Baul, Bauls always shorten things down, this does not mean the watering down and the reductionism that is going on today.
Knowing who wrote the poetry is part of the authentic Baul tradition LINEAGE!
Who wrote the BAUL poetry today is of huge significance more today than ever!
With Baul being appropriated and watered down, saying it doesn’t matter who wrote the Bengali songs and yes Kirtans, is adharma (against Baul dharma, but not just Baul against all dhrama) the eternal Dharma.
When you quote Aurobindo or Ramakrisha you always write who wrote it, but when it comes to Baul it is a free for all?
You want to preserve Baul? Stop using Baul!
Put the correct poets name on the poetry?
Muslims and Islamist were never Baul, so preserving something that is under their umbrella is not Baul, if it came out of Bangladesh they all say they are Music Composer or that Qawwali is Baul while posting a picture of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul in your articles?
Nabani never ever sang any Qawwali,
Baul is not associated with Qawwali?
Babu Kishan knows well what is Qawwali and what is Baul because he has recorded and produced music from some of the top Qawwali artists, he say's no way Qawwali is not Baul?
Bangladeshi Folk Songs are not Baul either?
Copyright 2010 - 2030
Do not steal our work!
Do not name drop!
NO Cultural Appropriation!
NO Cherry Picking and taking names off!
"Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity".
The above statement is nothing to be proud of!
Here is what you should know!
A Bangladeshi UN official wrote a thesis, to obtain 9 million dollars to preserve Baul through the United Nations, he disappeared. Really noting has been done to preserve Baul other than a little bit of random. His writing were based on Baul being a Persian term and being from Persia.
100% NOT true Bauls are not from Persian, Bangladesh, Turkey, Uzbekistan?
No such thing as Muslim Bauls, only used by Muslims to collect donations.
He has no connection to authentic Baul at all, how can he, Baul was extinct decades ago. There are many who say they are Baul but are not and all can be proven.
This is a way of duping and getting funds from the United Nations and other organizations, this is not new. Baul was popular and still remains a topic of discussion but very little of what is presented is true. Mish mash of the same name dropping, copy and paste from books as reference to prove you are legit?
Now others are trying to do the same thing, making documentary trailers of Baul of people sitting around smoking ganja who are not even Baul.
However, this person has a connection at the United Nations, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to put together the link? I can bet the guy from Bangalore who is doing this documentary on Baul is going for funding from the United Nations.
Babu Kishan met him in a suburb of Vancouver years back and he didn't have a clue who Babu was. Babu Kishan didn't have a clue who he was, I can only speculate he must have researched who Babu was and saw Baul did a bit of research and away he went. It is not innocent.
Scholars are trying to see if they copy and paste enough, from scholars to obtain funds if they can create a template to do the same? The scholars have all written wrong about Baul, the system is broken and it is really boring qualifying all, but the qualifying book by book will be done. It has to, if something belonged to you, you would care, if it did not belong to you, you would not care, simple and might even make fun! You, might even appropriate all the Babu Kishan has written, cherry picking and then presenting yourself as an authority on Baul in Youtube video's?
Babu Kishan has had so much personal experience with this and he knew all the scholars who wrote on Baul from the 1960's onward and person friendships with Carol Solomon obtained funds and had Babu sign for her funding. Then she hid and wrote about Lalon Fakir as a Baul?
When it came to bring a Baul in after she obtained money for this project which she said she would include Babu Kishan in, she brought in a random Baul for free. This is the way, it has been really difficult. It has happened over and over. Babu has helped more scholars that anyone with their thesis, very few give credit, and they have not explained Baul correctly, when he has asked them to change it, they avoid him.
Writing about Baul from outside Baul and making documentaries about Baul has created a cultural genocide of Baul, it continues. From outside Baul can be people who are not trained under a lineage Baul, or scholars who speculate, people with ulterior motives of collecting funds or awards to make them legitimate.
This using of Baul, Babu Kishan has watched since the 1960's.
The Baul's in India were a side note, but again using, Bauls are associated with Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg and George Harrison, using stories from this lineage and songs but not naming the poets?
Saying Bauls followed Baba Pagla when they did not or the so called Bauls were not Bauls. All this waters down and reduced Baul, twisting truths everyday. It is a way to get funds, creating new narratives, it is a way to obtain government funds, funds at universities, United Nation funds, and Indian awards.
No one on this earth would even know about Baul without this lineage, however, today they a side note not even mentioned, Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and Brajabala Dasi, Purna Das Baul and Babu Kishan mostly outside of India. The
The term Baul is made of 2 Sanskrit words, Vayu Tula, B is V in Bengal thus, Vayu = Bayu, Tula is to balance, balance what the vital airs (prana) through the breath. Bauls practice what they call as what Babu Kishan explained to me Vayu Dharma is Pranayama through their singing and other techniques.
Vayu Tula = Bayutula, Batula = Baula = Baul, Bauls always shorten things down, this does not mean the watering down and the reductionism that is going on today.
The oral part of Baul is oral Sanskrit. I would suppose anybody using this statement understands that the oral is oral Sanskrit and has been taught by their Guru!
This is the level of using Baul, it is rampant.
It is impossible to preserve the Bauls of Bangladesh because they never existed, Sai Aul Dervish and Fakir are NOT Baul they are Islamic Sufi and different from Baul.
I have to laugh, they say, Baul does not care who the poets are? You are not even close to being a Baul if you do not know?
Everybody is cheating so why not make a new narrative and cheat this indigenous Baul lineage?
This lineage the only Baul lineage a Sanskrit oral Baul lineage and tradition always knows who wrote the poetry!
Muslims do not speak or write in Sanskrit, it is not their tradition. Urdu is not Baul?
Bauls are only from Birbhum!
The term Baul is made of 2 Sanskrit words, Vayu Tula, B is V in Bengal thus, Vayu = Bayu, Tula is to balance, balance what the vital airs (prana) through the breath. Bauls practice what they call as what Babu Kishan explained to me Vayu Dharma is Pranayama through their singing and other techniques.
Vayu Tula = Bayutula, Batula = Baula = Baul, Bauls always shorten things down, this does not mean the watering down and the reductionism that is going on today.
Knowing who wrote the poetry is part of the authentic Baul tradition LINEAGE!
Who wrote the BAUL poetry today is of huge significance more today than ever!
With Baul being appropriated and watered down, saying it doesn’t matter who wrote the Bengali songs and yes Kirtans, is adharma (against Baul dharma, but not just Baul against all dhrama) the eternal Dharma.
When you quote Aurobindo or Ramakrisha you always write who wrote it, but when it comes to Baul it is a free for all?
You want to preserve Baul? Stop using Baul!
Put the correct poets name on the poetry?
Muslims and Islamist were never Baul, so preserving something that is under their umbrella is not Baul, if it came out of Bangladesh they all say they are Music Composer or that Qawwali is Baul while posting a picture of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul in your articles?
Nabani never ever sang any Qawwali,
Baul is not associated with Qawwali?
Babu Kishan knows well what is Qawwali and what is Baul because he has recorded and produced music from some of the top Qawwali artists, he say's no way Qawwali is not Baul?
Bangladeshi Folk Songs are not Baul either?
Copyright 2010 - 2030
Do not steal our work!
Do not name drop!
NO Cultural Appropriation!
NO Cherry Picking and taking names off!
Copyright 2018 to 2030
All rights reserved
No poaching, hijacking, or reprinting taking names off or making generic Baul, this is all copyright! All rights reserved, if you need to copy, or name drop his life stories, please contact:
Babu Kishan @
[email protected]
No taking the names off and randomly adding your own name or making false associations with Babu Kishan's life stories, his associations with Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, using his poetry lyrics are using the lyrics poetry from this lineage without giving credit.
Using his explanation of what Baul is, too much coping and intellectual property theft, stop stealing his life experiences, water them down and including yourself, such as even Baul was associated with Bob Dylan ect..
You were not!
Copyright means do not copy!!
Stop the Intellectual Liquidation of this one and only lineage!
There is NOT another Baul lineage, there never has been!
It is not ok to collect donations saying you are going to preserve Baul, when Baul has been recorded and preserved decades ago by Babu Kishan and stop your fake lineages.
Do not teach or speak about Baul if you do not even know where,
Sahaja in Baul comes from - hint it is not from Buddhism?
I am not going to tell you where SAHAJA in Baul come from, because who ever is saying Baul comes from Buddhism, is making it up as they go?
Babu Kishan says, then they change, they read what I write for him and change their story without giving credit as if they are the ones, when in reality in the past they have spread false teachings?
It is a huge problem regarding the fakery and mis-appropriation of this lineage.
Copy and Pasting what they have read from books which already are wrong, name dropping as if you know Babu Kishan stories and the stories of Bob Dylan, trying to make false associations by name dropping?
A bit from here a bit from there and all wrong!
This is cultural genocide of something that does not belong to you and something you should not be representing, trying to make documentaries of something you have no clue of but hey you have associations at the UN?
Baul has already been used for free funds to represent Muslim Baul which does not exist, the story was made up to collet 9 million from the Un and hey many you can do the same?
Why not Bangladeshi Bauls have been using the UN in the fake desperation for years, now Bangladeshi academics writing about Baul so they too can try to collect some funds? Seriously?
Cheating saying you are going to Archive Baul, when it has been archived??
More will be said about this in the future. Stop making fools out of people?
Cultural Mis-Appropriation = Indigenous Genocide
Cultural Mis-Appropriation = Indigenous Genocide
Commandeering, expropriation, seizure, takeover, usurpation, annexation, attachment, confiscation, grab, reductionism, watering down, reducing, riding on the coat tails of the ones who created a road, who did all the leg work, who wrote the books from inside the tradition, who promoted and introduced the world to Baul, then taking their names off and adding their own names. Singing their songs but saying they are your own, not properly educating what exactly Baul is.
Intellectual Property Theft (Songs from this Lineage) already preserved and recorded, used without giving credit? Songs cut down and the singing style changed!
All rights reserved
No poaching, hijacking, or reprinting taking names off or making generic Baul, this is all copyright! All rights reserved, if you need to copy, or name drop his life stories, please contact:
Babu Kishan @
[email protected]
No taking the names off and randomly adding your own name or making false associations with Babu Kishan's life stories, his associations with Bob Dylan, Allen Ginsberg, using his poetry lyrics are using the lyrics poetry from this lineage without giving credit.
Using his explanation of what Baul is, too much coping and intellectual property theft, stop stealing his life experiences, water them down and including yourself, such as even Baul was associated with Bob Dylan ect..
You were not!
Copyright means do not copy!!
Stop the Intellectual Liquidation of this one and only lineage!
There is NOT another Baul lineage, there never has been!
It is not ok to collect donations saying you are going to preserve Baul, when Baul has been recorded and preserved decades ago by Babu Kishan and stop your fake lineages.
Do not teach or speak about Baul if you do not even know where,
Sahaja in Baul comes from - hint it is not from Buddhism?
I am not going to tell you where SAHAJA in Baul come from, because who ever is saying Baul comes from Buddhism, is making it up as they go?
Babu Kishan says, then they change, they read what I write for him and change their story without giving credit as if they are the ones, when in reality in the past they have spread false teachings?
It is a huge problem regarding the fakery and mis-appropriation of this lineage.
Copy and Pasting what they have read from books which already are wrong, name dropping as if you know Babu Kishan stories and the stories of Bob Dylan, trying to make false associations by name dropping?
A bit from here a bit from there and all wrong!
This is cultural genocide of something that does not belong to you and something you should not be representing, trying to make documentaries of something you have no clue of but hey you have associations at the UN?
Baul has already been used for free funds to represent Muslim Baul which does not exist, the story was made up to collet 9 million from the Un and hey many you can do the same?
Why not Bangladeshi Bauls have been using the UN in the fake desperation for years, now Bangladeshi academics writing about Baul so they too can try to collect some funds? Seriously?
Cheating saying you are going to Archive Baul, when it has been archived??
More will be said about this in the future. Stop making fools out of people?
Cultural Mis-Appropriation = Indigenous Genocide
Cultural Mis-Appropriation = Indigenous Genocide
Commandeering, expropriation, seizure, takeover, usurpation, annexation, attachment, confiscation, grab, reductionism, watering down, reducing, riding on the coat tails of the ones who created a road, who did all the leg work, who wrote the books from inside the tradition, who promoted and introduced the world to Baul, then taking their names off and adding their own names. Singing their songs but saying they are your own, not properly educating what exactly Baul is.
Intellectual Property Theft (Songs from this Lineage) already preserved and recorded, used without giving credit? Songs cut down and the singing style changed!
Purna Das Baul's 'famous music', was produced, recorded and Music composed by his eldest Son Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das.
Many of the Lyrics are by Babu Kishan which all Bauls are singing on recorded youtube clips , with no credit given?
Lyrics and who wrote the poetry is part of Lineage Baul, it has been for generations, it is important and Baul always care as it is part of the oral tradition to remember.
If a Baul does not mention who wrote the poetry or changes the poets name, because they do not know or are intentionally keeping the truth because they want to take credit or are lying about belonging to a new made up lineage?
This is wrong and is mis-appropriation of Baul at a time when Baul is extinct or near extinction?
Lyrics matter, the poet matters especially when you are using what does not belong to you, intentionally trying to appropriate and liquidate this lineage, creating false narratives and trying to collect people for your fake lineage?
Making documentaries when you know not a drop about Baul, it is just about trying to get money from the United Nations, creating false narratives with fake Bauls, people who are not even Baul showing them all smoking ganja.
Oh how wonderful you are, everybody says so on your documentary video trailer on youtube? But who is qualified to know your horse dung, not you as your are not even from Birbhum let alone Bengal, you are from South India?
Babu Kishan has seen this over 60 years people using Baul in one way or another, writing books, creating documentaries, using Baul music and creating false narrative, it always comes back to donations or funding from a source like the United Nations... money money money to use Baul.
Another group saying there are roughly 20,000 Baul in Birbhum, making Baul to collect funds, donate to us so we can preserve Baul, don't to us to we can adopt Baul children? Come join us, giving interviews here and there that are completely wrong but hey they believe you because nobody knows anything about Baul, speakers speak horse dung, writers write horse dung all to be know and collect some money?
Baul is not Muslim either.
Using Baul for Tantric Sex, the list goes on and one.
Name dropping Baul stories is another bit of horse dung.
Using everything, making up stories, watering down and reducing Baul, learning Baul from books and fake lineages. Shame
Many of the Lyrics are by Babu Kishan which all Bauls are singing on recorded youtube clips , with no credit given?
Lyrics and who wrote the poetry is part of Lineage Baul, it has been for generations, it is important and Baul always care as it is part of the oral tradition to remember.
If a Baul does not mention who wrote the poetry or changes the poets name, because they do not know or are intentionally keeping the truth because they want to take credit or are lying about belonging to a new made up lineage?
This is wrong and is mis-appropriation of Baul at a time when Baul is extinct or near extinction?
Lyrics matter, the poet matters especially when you are using what does not belong to you, intentionally trying to appropriate and liquidate this lineage, creating false narratives and trying to collect people for your fake lineage?
Making documentaries when you know not a drop about Baul, it is just about trying to get money from the United Nations, creating false narratives with fake Bauls, people who are not even Baul showing them all smoking ganja.
Oh how wonderful you are, everybody says so on your documentary video trailer on youtube? But who is qualified to know your horse dung, not you as your are not even from Birbhum let alone Bengal, you are from South India?
Babu Kishan has seen this over 60 years people using Baul in one way or another, writing books, creating documentaries, using Baul music and creating false narrative, it always comes back to donations or funding from a source like the United Nations... money money money to use Baul.
Another group saying there are roughly 20,000 Baul in Birbhum, making Baul to collect funds, donate to us so we can preserve Baul, don't to us to we can adopt Baul children? Come join us, giving interviews here and there that are completely wrong but hey they believe you because nobody knows anything about Baul, speakers speak horse dung, writers write horse dung all to be know and collect some money?
Baul is not Muslim either.
Using Baul for Tantric Sex, the list goes on and one.
Name dropping Baul stories is another bit of horse dung.
Using everything, making up stories, watering down and reducing Baul, learning Baul from books and fake lineages. Shame
When the UNESCO made this declaration they did not talk to any real Bauls, they gave some '9 million Dollars' to a Bangladeshi UN official who obviously thought this was a good way to line his pockets and disappear he made up stories about Baul being from Persia and completely fabricated his story?
Baul is only an Oral Sanskrit tradition, the Poems were then converted to Bengali and sang in 'Birbhum Bengali' so the villagers so they could understand.
Baul is Extinct, Baul History and Her-story were complete decades ago.
Baul has been preserved and archived decades ago by 'Babu Kishan' and his family long ago. There is no Baul to be archived, it has been done already. What Baul needs are translators.
What people are doing today is a cultural appropriation. There is only One lineage of Baul the 'Das Baul and Dasi Lineage and that is this lineage, all Bauls follow this lineage from Ekachakra Birbhum W Bengal. They sing the songs of this lineage, they dress like this lineage, they go where they do and follow them now around the world.
When the UNESCO made this declaration they did not talk to any real Bauls, they gave some '9 million Dollars' to a Bangladeshi UN official who obviously thought this was a good way to line his pockets and disappear he made up stories about Baul being from Persia and completely fabricated his story?
Baul is only an Oral Sanskrit tradition, the Poems were then converted to Bengali and sang in 'Birbhum Bengali' so the villagers so they could understand.
Baul is Extinct, Baul History and Her-story were complete decades ago.
Baul has been preserved and archived decades ago by 'Babu Kishan' and his family long ago. There is no Baul to be archived, it has been done already. What Baul needs are translators.
What people are doing today is a cultural appropriation. There is only One lineage of Baul the 'Das Baul and Dasi Lineage and that is this lineage, all Bauls follow this lineage from Ekachakra Birbhum W Bengal. They sing the songs of this lineage, they dress like this lineage, they go where they do and follow them now around the world.
The above link is a book put together by Purna Das Baul and Selena Thielemann, it should be noted most of the material in this book has been copied and pasted from Babu Kishan's aka Krishnendu Das 3 books on Baul and Babu Kishan's manuscripts that were in Calcutta and ready to be published.
Of course this is Babu Kishan's life work and Purna Das Baul is his father, however, it should be noted that Babu Kishan was never asked nor consulted on the use of his material, most is accurate in this book, but there are some major holes.
The above link is a book put together by Purna Das Baul and Selena Thielemann, it should be noted most of the material in this book has been copied and pasted from Babu Kishan's aka Krishnendu Das 3 books on Baul and Babu Kishan's manuscripts that were in Calcutta and ready to be published.
Of course this is Babu Kishan's life work and Purna Das Baul is his father, however, it should be noted that Babu Kishan was never asked nor consulted on the use of his material, most is accurate in this book, but there are some major holes.
A message from Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das to New Baul Singers:
Today 2017 people love Baul song due to my family and our dedicated lifetime work of pioneering Baul around the world for over 70 years before there was Facebook, can you even imagine how difficult it was.
Before my family nobody knew who and what Baul was, we are the only lineage of Baul going back thousands of years. We have always been around and in the villages of Bengal as Guru's and teachers the spiritual newspaper before the newspaper. The original Das and Dasi Hare Krishna singers and dancer. My Grandfather and Guru Nabani Das Khyappa Baul was part of the Freedom Movement in India singing before Nehru gave his speeches as Baul has always been known as the biggest attention intoxicating through the honey of their song.
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul sang for Nehru before all his talk all over India. Then my parents (Purna Das Baul and Manju Dasi) and myself (Krishnendu Das aka Babu Kishan) did the same for Indira Gandhi and her son's Sanjay and Rajiv Gandhi. We sang on thousands of stages all around India hundreds of times.
My parents and the women in my lineage were legendary, they are the first and we are the only Lineage of Baul. Nobody in Baul every said Lineage except me and now there are others making up stories that are not true.
"So please go in a smooth flow like a trance of river and sing for Moner Manush, just saying because I am watching someone's youtube who is singing my Grandfather poetry but naming a different poet? Don't be fake, we know you are, don't make people stupid or saying you and setting up for preservation. Baul is already preserved my dear, that is why you are singing the songs from my Lineage.
Even though people are liking but they mostly do not have any training in Baul music or musical ability, of course they are screwing the wonderful lineage of Baul!
We didn’t have internet back then and it was so difficult to communicate and travel around the world. The hard time we had to make a road very easier for new comers!! I always encouraged every new Baul singer.
From what I hear they (the new Baul singers) are not Baul Masters and need voice lessons, beyond voice lessons, development of voice quality, you cannot even sing in a cord or track!!
Just singing Sakhi re…… then what, or trying be more tourist attractions spinning hair around and theatrical Bauls then Sadhana? They need more and more practise, all my life I composed music for World's top musicians and recorded singer like Lata Mangaskar and Asha Bhosle and many other. You can call me egotistical but it is my lineage I am an award winning music composer. I know tone and pitch and you are way, way out of tune and tone.
Be a Baul do great work, help people and inspire people but don’t make up 4 generations and sing the songs from my lineage giving other poets names it has already been recorded and documented before you were born. If someone gave you miss information that is not my problem it is yours.
Please do the practise and don't makeup stories and drama, just be true Baul!!
Love u all, my blessing with all my brothers and sisters, don't try to be Nabani Das Khyapa Baul or Baul Samrat Purna Das, just salute them have a great respect for them they are the one who gave you a chance to be Baul!!
Joy Guru!! Don't even try to be them, you cannot even dream!! You don't even know how was hard to making this Baul from a village to International platform!! Not easy, and ofcourse only are one which is the last oldest BaulLineage in Bengal and World!!
Don't make stories, first learn how to sing and do Sadhna of Baul!! Just keep focus on what you are doing!! Who can sing like Purna Das Baul, Manju Dasi, Radharani Dasi, Brajabala Dasi or any of my lineage? We are the only lineage, I can tell you who everybody is and where they came from except for the new Bauls who are young and now I am seeing these bizarre stories.
"Kichhu Din Mone Mone"
Kichchu Din Mone Mone was written by the one and only
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul.
Nabani was Rabindranath Tagore's friend and the only Baul to initiate Tagore into this Baul lineage, he gave Tagore the Baul name Ravi (Robi) Das Baul.Paul
One of the best Baul kirtan written and tuned by my Grandfather and Guru Nabani Das khyapa Baul. It was officially recorded by my father Purna Das Baul in the 1960's at India's First Record company, Hindustan Records.
Kicchu Din Mone Mone was written by Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and it is part of this lineage Baul.
Lineage Baul Parampara Sampradaya the only Baul lineage.
This is a very simple recording of my Grandfather Nabani Das Khyappa Baul song, singing by me his grandson Babukishan, aka Krishnendu Das Baul. The sound is not great but it was recorded in 2002 in California on a simple recorder.
This song belongs to this lineage and credit to Baul Saint Sri Nabani Das Khyapa Baul. No one would even know about this song if it were not for my family rather than making up new lineages, tell the truth, know the truth.
New Baul singers are making up stories and new lineage that never existed before and leaving out where the songs originated from or putting in different poets names.
Please have respect for our Baul songs if you sing or record songs from this lineage please say who the Baul poet is and if you do not know, do not make it up.
Love song of Radha Krishna
#kabir #baul
Fakir, Aul, Sai, Dervish, and Shah are 'NOT' Baul.Fakir, Aul, Sai, Dervish, Shah are 'NOT' Baul.
Copyright 2010- 2030 No Baul is not an Umbrella name, who said, or wrote that does not have a clue what they are talking about. They are not a Baul and can be assured are one of the Scholars who are watering down Baul, making a career of dissecting from other copy and paste.
Baul is an oral Sanskrit tradition, the very name which most people do not even understand is based on two Sanskrit root words, Vayu and Tula. One must understand the two of these Sanskrit words and how they come together to create Baul. One must understand that in the 'Bengali language' V (Vayu) in the rest of India, and in Bengali B (Bayu) if you do not understand that how can one represent Baul.
If one says Baul means 'afflicted by the wind' they do not understand, they have copied and pasted it from Edward Dimock who was an American early Bengali scholar, in his Book"The places of the Hidden Moon" he did a great job describing Sahajiya Vaishnavism which is Baul and then in his chapter on Baul he completely got it wrong? Baul is not Afflicted by the wind, and people use Dimock as the bench mark on what Baul is, which is an insult to the real authentic Baul who has archived his lineage over decades and who is from this lineage, an expert Sanskritist oral and classical at the highest levels, the PHD all over the world used to come to Babu Kishan to learn both Sanskrit and Bengali, even Carol Solomon always came to Babu Kishan and her long story with Babu Kishan will be told, because she tricked him, RIP but it will be told because what she has written on Baul is completely wrong?
Babu Kishan met Dimock and was not impressed he found may discrepancies in his Bengali, that story will be in Babu Kishan's book too. Babu Kishan, asked Lila Roy who was the best ever Bengali translator and most under recorded American Bengali Translator for Rabindranath Tagore and she just shrugged her shoulders in none agreement but she would never say anything bad about anybody. An example would be Bikram in Bengali and Vikram in Hindi. Vayu = Bayu in Bengali * note* the Vaishnava Bauls are Sanskritists but always sang their songs in Bengali, just as Tulsi Das composed the Hanuman Chalisa in the vernacular language of the villagers, so did the Bauls because their job was to educate the villagers, they were the Guru's.
Bauls are known as the 'Wind Catchers'. Babu Kishan is the first person to explain this, just saying because now you will see others change their story and attribute it to their fake lineages.
More will be written about this in his new book. Baul = Vayu Dharma = the Wind Catchers, yes the Honey catchers and there is a long explanation because they are the Pied Pipers of Vaishnava (a term I used long ago) the Vaishnava Bauls are "The Rasa Lila Mystics" another term coming from Babu Kishan.
If they are this how can they be Fakir, Aul, Sai, Dervish and Shah those of Muslim Sufi if you want to categorize Baul one could say they are 'Hindu Sufi' Sufi as a term to describe the original people of planet earth the people of music, dance and love, who accepted all.
Bauls are Hindu (Sanatan Dharma) they are from before Muslim and they are from 'Bharata Mata' not Persia, Uzbekistan or Saudia Arabia. Bauls are from the soil and soul of Birbhum Bengal India. The people (Bauls who say) that Bauls are from the above places are confused, they are 'riding on the coat tails of this lineage' and at the same destroying the legacy that Babu Kishan and his family created around the world. We know who they are, you copy everything and follow this lineage around the world. Strangely enough the term, 'riding on the coat tails' was coined in Calcutta, this is nothing new.
Bauls accepted all people, they accepted Muslims, they did not become them. All Bauls and other follow this lineage of Baul, Baul and this lineage does not follow others, they accept others. Another misconception Baul is Buddhist, no they are not Buddhists are Baul like and Baul includes not just one part of Hinduism as the Buddhist do, they include all parts. So you can say Buddhism came out of Baul not the other way around. Part of Baul is the Maha Vidya, Hindu Tara Ma one of the Shakti Piths (places) of Tara Pith in Bengal came way before Buddhist Tara, this too can be calculated from the ancient scriptures that originate way before Buddhism.
Baul is different it is based on 'Indian Tantric Yoga' Das Baul and Dasi are not and never were Fakir, Sai, Dervish or Shah, this are Muslim and Baul accepts them but they are not the same.
I have recently seen a recorded talk by a Women by the name of Parvathy, she follows this lineage of Baul, at Berkeley University and she is saying there are 4 types of Baul, she is completely wrong, again watering down, repeating what is wrong and reducing Baul to something she has read. She follows this lineage but her story has changed many times over the years and has take Nabani Das Khyapa Bauls song "Kichhu Din Mone Mone"put another authors name on? All of this will be qualified in the new book release. It is great you are working to preserve Baul but be honest. Another thing is telling people Baul is not from family but by initiation. I would suggest that you stop spreading false hoods, or making it up as you go.
This is the problem, this cause reductionism and the destruction, people posing and teaching who do not even know who Bauls are? Fundraising that they are going to archive Baul when Baul is already archived and has been archived decades ago by Babu Kishan. In the past many different groups were wandering around Bengal and they were lumped together under 'Baul', they were not Baul, however, the British had a huge disdain for all wandering people, they were treated badly and they all were called Baul, at the time even the British educated Bengalis did not understand, they were too busy trying to please the British and gain some sort of respectful life.
Fakir, Sai, Aula, Dervesh and Shah are not Baul but were lumped together with the Baul for terminology sake, however the Bauls are a unique and distinct sect, the oldest lineage being the Vaishnava Bauls who were Sanskrit speaking people, they are Brahmin but rejected Brahmanical rules and regulations.
Baul is educated in the oral tradition and this Oral tradition is Sanskrit not just random Bangladeshi Bengali, there is a big difference from Birbhum Bengali and Bangladeshi Bengali.
BhaktiVinode Thakur (1838 -1914) born Kendranath Datta (not a Baul name) was one of the first people in modern times (1800-1900) to pretend he was a Baul with sarcastic poetry. He hated Bauls and other sects and wrote some English poetry to describe why he was a Baul, he denigrated Bauls and many other sects, he put himself on a pedestal. It is kind of like a Muslim attitude, he can criticize others but if you criticize him, his fanatical followers come out of the word work, I was even threatened for stating my opinion?? Bhaktivinode was a man of his time, he was Vaishnava orthodox reformer a British educated who learned Sanskrit later in his life, many in Iskcon follows him. He did a great job but there are some things that one needs to know, he used strong negative language against other sects including the Bauls, he was a meat eater, more about that later.
I speculate BhaktiVinode Thakur never ever met a Baul and absolutely never met anyone from this one and only lineage of Baul in his life but assumed as many people do, mostly western converts who became fundamentalist. He met someone but he did not meet a Baul.
Please note, Gosai is added to Bhaktivinode's list too, this lineage is Gosai, he never liked Gosai is aka Gosain, Goswami. This is parroted and printed all over the internet under apasampradaya if only Bhaktivinode had foreseen the future of the branches of what he tried to preserved including the child molesting Western Branch of Vaishnavism from Bengal, who are they to point a finger at anybody, seriously. When one mentions Baul, the orthodox and Western fundamental Vaishnava come out in hate of Bauls displaying a type of apa-sampradaya that is far from what Vaishnava eve meant, far from what the real Vaishnava who is about and being, 'humbler than a blade of grass'.
For any Baul to parrot there are 4 types of Baul 'Fakir, Aul, Sai, Dervish' this is a huge puzzlement and this Baul now says they are going to archive Baul, how is this possible, when Baul has already been archived decades ago by Babu Kishan???
Same old thing over and over and all inaccurate. Follow your path but do not call it Baul, follow Baul but at least know what you are copy and pasting. It should be noted, this lineage has been recognized by Gaudiya Vaishnavism, forever, and they have done extensive fundraising for Gaudiya Vaishnavism in Bengal and around the world and not one person ever told them they were apt-sampradaya? A little respect please, their ancestor is Sri Nityananda of Ekachakra, Vaishnava Baul the path of the Avadhuta going back for thousands of years before Sri Nityananda to the story, it said the Pandava's were excited in Ekachakra from the Mahabharata War which if you really know your subject, you can calculate using Jyotish the eyes of the Veda's.
Date of the Mahabharata:
This lineage is from Nityananda of Ekachakra. Again, more will be qualified in the new Book. It has to be, I could care less about all this but it needs to be understood otherwise all these false writings will remain as truth on the internet and the real authentic origins of Baul will be deleted and screw up by outsiders or mere follower of Baul who never had a clue but wanted to ride on the coat tails of this family and lineage.
The internet has been great, it also, has been very bad in that many fakes have come out of the woodwork, great actors, cheaters who steal Baul songs and put other names on them. Cheaters who make up lineages and stories, who say it does not matter who wrote the songs. How disrespectful!
Baul has become like modern Yoga described as Asana, gymnastics, beer yoga, goat yoga, sex yoga on and on?
#mystical #bhajan #fusion #baulguru #osho #mystic #esoteric #shakti #lalonfakir #folkdance #folk #folkmusic #baul #bengal #performer # #dance #dancer #baulmusic #music #india #indian #performingarts #musician #ektara #singer #exotic #culture #incredibleindia #indianmusician #sufi #mystical #bhajan #fusion #baulguru #osho #mystic #esoteric #shakti #lalonfakir #kalimandir #baulguru #baul #babukishan #India #baulkirtan #poetroshik
#kabir #kabirsociety #parvathybaul #folkdance #folk #folkmusic #baul #bengal #performer # #dance #dancer #baulmusic #music #india #indian #performingarts #musician #ektara #singer #exotic #culture #incredibleindia #indianmusician #sufi #mystical #bhajan #fusion #baulguru #osho #mystic #esoteric #shakti #lalonfakir
#purnadasbaul #shantiniketan, #birbhum #kolkata
Today 2017 people love Baul song due to my family and our dedicated lifetime work of pioneering Baul around the world for over 70 years before there was Facebook, can you even imagine how difficult it was.
Before my family nobody knew who and what Baul was, we are the only lineage of Baul going back thousands of years. We have always been around and in the villages of Bengal as Guru's and teachers the spiritual newspaper before the newspaper. The original Das and Dasi Hare Krishna singers and dancer. My Grandfather and Guru Nabani Das Khyappa Baul was part of the Freedom Movement in India singing before Nehru gave his speeches as Baul has always been known as the biggest attention intoxicating through the honey of their song.
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul sang for Nehru before all his talk all over India. Then my parents (Purna Das Baul and Manju Dasi) and myself (Krishnendu Das aka Babu Kishan) did the same for Indira Gandhi and her son's Sanjay and Rajiv Gandhi. We sang on thousands of stages all around India hundreds of times.
My parents and the women in my lineage were legendary, they are the first and we are the only Lineage of Baul. Nobody in Baul every said Lineage except me and now there are others making up stories that are not true.
"So please go in a smooth flow like a trance of river and sing for Moner Manush, just saying because I am watching someone's youtube who is singing my Grandfather poetry but naming a different poet? Don't be fake, we know you are, don't make people stupid or saying you and setting up for preservation. Baul is already preserved my dear, that is why you are singing the songs from my Lineage.
Even though people are liking but they mostly do not have any training in Baul music or musical ability, of course they are screwing the wonderful lineage of Baul!
We didn’t have internet back then and it was so difficult to communicate and travel around the world. The hard time we had to make a road very easier for new comers!! I always encouraged every new Baul singer.
From what I hear they (the new Baul singers) are not Baul Masters and need voice lessons, beyond voice lessons, development of voice quality, you cannot even sing in a cord or track!!
Just singing Sakhi re…… then what, or trying be more tourist attractions spinning hair around and theatrical Bauls then Sadhana? They need more and more practise, all my life I composed music for World's top musicians and recorded singer like Lata Mangaskar and Asha Bhosle and many other. You can call me egotistical but it is my lineage I am an award winning music composer. I know tone and pitch and you are way, way out of tune and tone.
Be a Baul do great work, help people and inspire people but don’t make up 4 generations and sing the songs from my lineage giving other poets names it has already been recorded and documented before you were born. If someone gave you miss information that is not my problem it is yours.
Please do the practise and don't makeup stories and drama, just be true Baul!!
Love u all, my blessing with all my brothers and sisters, don't try to be Nabani Das Khyapa Baul or Baul Samrat Purna Das, just salute them have a great respect for them they are the one who gave you a chance to be Baul!!
Joy Guru!! Don't even try to be them, you cannot even dream!! You don't even know how was hard to making this Baul from a village to International platform!! Not easy, and ofcourse only are one which is the last oldest BaulLineage in Bengal and World!!
Don't make stories, first learn how to sing and do Sadhna of Baul!! Just keep focus on what you are doing!! Who can sing like Purna Das Baul, Manju Dasi, Radharani Dasi, Brajabala Dasi or any of my lineage? We are the only lineage, I can tell you who everybody is and where they came from except for the new Bauls who are young and now I am seeing these bizarre stories.
"Kichhu Din Mone Mone"
Kichchu Din Mone Mone was written by the one and only
Nabani Das Khyapa Baul.
Nabani was Rabindranath Tagore's friend and the only Baul to initiate Tagore into this Baul lineage, he gave Tagore the Baul name Ravi (Robi) Das Baul.Paul
One of the best Baul kirtan written and tuned by my Grandfather and Guru Nabani Das khyapa Baul. It was officially recorded by my father Purna Das Baul in the 1960's at India's First Record company, Hindustan Records.
Kicchu Din Mone Mone was written by Nabani Das Khyapa Baul and it is part of this lineage Baul.
Lineage Baul Parampara Sampradaya the only Baul lineage.
This is a very simple recording of my Grandfather Nabani Das Khyappa Baul song, singing by me his grandson Babukishan, aka Krishnendu Das Baul. The sound is not great but it was recorded in 2002 in California on a simple recorder.
This song belongs to this lineage and credit to Baul Saint Sri Nabani Das Khyapa Baul. No one would even know about this song if it were not for my family rather than making up new lineages, tell the truth, know the truth.
New Baul singers are making up stories and new lineage that never existed before and leaving out where the songs originated from or putting in different poets names.
Please have respect for our Baul songs if you sing or record songs from this lineage please say who the Baul poet is and if you do not know, do not make it up.
Love song of Radha Krishna
#kabir #baul
Fakir, Aul, Sai, Dervish, and Shah are 'NOT' Baul.Fakir, Aul, Sai, Dervish, Shah are 'NOT' Baul.
Copyright 2010- 2030 No Baul is not an Umbrella name, who said, or wrote that does not have a clue what they are talking about. They are not a Baul and can be assured are one of the Scholars who are watering down Baul, making a career of dissecting from other copy and paste.
Baul is an oral Sanskrit tradition, the very name which most people do not even understand is based on two Sanskrit root words, Vayu and Tula. One must understand the two of these Sanskrit words and how they come together to create Baul. One must understand that in the 'Bengali language' V (Vayu) in the rest of India, and in Bengali B (Bayu) if you do not understand that how can one represent Baul.
If one says Baul means 'afflicted by the wind' they do not understand, they have copied and pasted it from Edward Dimock who was an American early Bengali scholar, in his Book"The places of the Hidden Moon" he did a great job describing Sahajiya Vaishnavism which is Baul and then in his chapter on Baul he completely got it wrong? Baul is not Afflicted by the wind, and people use Dimock as the bench mark on what Baul is, which is an insult to the real authentic Baul who has archived his lineage over decades and who is from this lineage, an expert Sanskritist oral and classical at the highest levels, the PHD all over the world used to come to Babu Kishan to learn both Sanskrit and Bengali, even Carol Solomon always came to Babu Kishan and her long story with Babu Kishan will be told, because she tricked him, RIP but it will be told because what she has written on Baul is completely wrong?
Babu Kishan met Dimock and was not impressed he found may discrepancies in his Bengali, that story will be in Babu Kishan's book too. Babu Kishan, asked Lila Roy who was the best ever Bengali translator and most under recorded American Bengali Translator for Rabindranath Tagore and she just shrugged her shoulders in none agreement but she would never say anything bad about anybody. An example would be Bikram in Bengali and Vikram in Hindi. Vayu = Bayu in Bengali * note* the Vaishnava Bauls are Sanskritists but always sang their songs in Bengali, just as Tulsi Das composed the Hanuman Chalisa in the vernacular language of the villagers, so did the Bauls because their job was to educate the villagers, they were the Guru's.
Bauls are known as the 'Wind Catchers'. Babu Kishan is the first person to explain this, just saying because now you will see others change their story and attribute it to their fake lineages.
More will be written about this in his new book. Baul = Vayu Dharma = the Wind Catchers, yes the Honey catchers and there is a long explanation because they are the Pied Pipers of Vaishnava (a term I used long ago) the Vaishnava Bauls are "The Rasa Lila Mystics" another term coming from Babu Kishan.
If they are this how can they be Fakir, Aul, Sai, Dervish and Shah those of Muslim Sufi if you want to categorize Baul one could say they are 'Hindu Sufi' Sufi as a term to describe the original people of planet earth the people of music, dance and love, who accepted all.
Bauls are Hindu (Sanatan Dharma) they are from before Muslim and they are from 'Bharata Mata' not Persia, Uzbekistan or Saudia Arabia. Bauls are from the soil and soul of Birbhum Bengal India. The people (Bauls who say) that Bauls are from the above places are confused, they are 'riding on the coat tails of this lineage' and at the same destroying the legacy that Babu Kishan and his family created around the world. We know who they are, you copy everything and follow this lineage around the world. Strangely enough the term, 'riding on the coat tails' was coined in Calcutta, this is nothing new.
Bauls accepted all people, they accepted Muslims, they did not become them. All Bauls and other follow this lineage of Baul, Baul and this lineage does not follow others, they accept others. Another misconception Baul is Buddhist, no they are not Buddhists are Baul like and Baul includes not just one part of Hinduism as the Buddhist do, they include all parts. So you can say Buddhism came out of Baul not the other way around. Part of Baul is the Maha Vidya, Hindu Tara Ma one of the Shakti Piths (places) of Tara Pith in Bengal came way before Buddhist Tara, this too can be calculated from the ancient scriptures that originate way before Buddhism.
Baul is different it is based on 'Indian Tantric Yoga' Das Baul and Dasi are not and never were Fakir, Sai, Dervish or Shah, this are Muslim and Baul accepts them but they are not the same.
I have recently seen a recorded talk by a Women by the name of Parvathy, she follows this lineage of Baul, at Berkeley University and she is saying there are 4 types of Baul, she is completely wrong, again watering down, repeating what is wrong and reducing Baul to something she has read. She follows this lineage but her story has changed many times over the years and has take Nabani Das Khyapa Bauls song "Kichhu Din Mone Mone"put another authors name on? All of this will be qualified in the new book release. It is great you are working to preserve Baul but be honest. Another thing is telling people Baul is not from family but by initiation. I would suggest that you stop spreading false hoods, or making it up as you go.
This is the problem, this cause reductionism and the destruction, people posing and teaching who do not even know who Bauls are? Fundraising that they are going to archive Baul when Baul is already archived and has been archived decades ago by Babu Kishan. In the past many different groups were wandering around Bengal and they were lumped together under 'Baul', they were not Baul, however, the British had a huge disdain for all wandering people, they were treated badly and they all were called Baul, at the time even the British educated Bengalis did not understand, they were too busy trying to please the British and gain some sort of respectful life.
Fakir, Sai, Aula, Dervesh and Shah are not Baul but were lumped together with the Baul for terminology sake, however the Bauls are a unique and distinct sect, the oldest lineage being the Vaishnava Bauls who were Sanskrit speaking people, they are Brahmin but rejected Brahmanical rules and regulations.
Baul is educated in the oral tradition and this Oral tradition is Sanskrit not just random Bangladeshi Bengali, there is a big difference from Birbhum Bengali and Bangladeshi Bengali.
BhaktiVinode Thakur (1838 -1914) born Kendranath Datta (not a Baul name) was one of the first people in modern times (1800-1900) to pretend he was a Baul with sarcastic poetry. He hated Bauls and other sects and wrote some English poetry to describe why he was a Baul, he denigrated Bauls and many other sects, he put himself on a pedestal. It is kind of like a Muslim attitude, he can criticize others but if you criticize him, his fanatical followers come out of the word work, I was even threatened for stating my opinion?? Bhaktivinode was a man of his time, he was Vaishnava orthodox reformer a British educated who learned Sanskrit later in his life, many in Iskcon follows him. He did a great job but there are some things that one needs to know, he used strong negative language against other sects including the Bauls, he was a meat eater, more about that later.
I speculate BhaktiVinode Thakur never ever met a Baul and absolutely never met anyone from this one and only lineage of Baul in his life but assumed as many people do, mostly western converts who became fundamentalist. He met someone but he did not meet a Baul.
Please note, Gosai is added to Bhaktivinode's list too, this lineage is Gosai, he never liked Gosai is aka Gosain, Goswami. This is parroted and printed all over the internet under apasampradaya if only Bhaktivinode had foreseen the future of the branches of what he tried to preserved including the child molesting Western Branch of Vaishnavism from Bengal, who are they to point a finger at anybody, seriously. When one mentions Baul, the orthodox and Western fundamental Vaishnava come out in hate of Bauls displaying a type of apa-sampradaya that is far from what Vaishnava eve meant, far from what the real Vaishnava who is about and being, 'humbler than a blade of grass'.
For any Baul to parrot there are 4 types of Baul 'Fakir, Aul, Sai, Dervish' this is a huge puzzlement and this Baul now says they are going to archive Baul, how is this possible, when Baul has already been archived decades ago by Babu Kishan???
Same old thing over and over and all inaccurate. Follow your path but do not call it Baul, follow Baul but at least know what you are copy and pasting. It should be noted, this lineage has been recognized by Gaudiya Vaishnavism, forever, and they have done extensive fundraising for Gaudiya Vaishnavism in Bengal and around the world and not one person ever told them they were apt-sampradaya? A little respect please, their ancestor is Sri Nityananda of Ekachakra, Vaishnava Baul the path of the Avadhuta going back for thousands of years before Sri Nityananda to the story, it said the Pandava's were excited in Ekachakra from the Mahabharata War which if you really know your subject, you can calculate using Jyotish the eyes of the Veda's.
Date of the Mahabharata:
This lineage is from Nityananda of Ekachakra. Again, more will be qualified in the new Book. It has to be, I could care less about all this but it needs to be understood otherwise all these false writings will remain as truth on the internet and the real authentic origins of Baul will be deleted and screw up by outsiders or mere follower of Baul who never had a clue but wanted to ride on the coat tails of this family and lineage.
The internet has been great, it also, has been very bad in that many fakes have come out of the woodwork, great actors, cheaters who steal Baul songs and put other names on them. Cheaters who make up lineages and stories, who say it does not matter who wrote the songs. How disrespectful!
Baul has become like modern Yoga described as Asana, gymnastics, beer yoga, goat yoga, sex yoga on and on?
#mystical #bhajan #fusion #baulguru #osho #mystic #esoteric #shakti #lalonfakir #folkdance #folk #folkmusic #baul #bengal #performer # #dance #dancer #baulmusic #music #india #indian #performingarts #musician #ektara #singer #exotic #culture #incredibleindia #indianmusician #sufi #mystical #bhajan #fusion #baulguru #osho #mystic #esoteric #shakti #lalonfakir #kalimandir #baulguru #baul #babukishan #India #baulkirtan #poetroshik
#kabir #kabirsociety #parvathybaul #folkdance #folk #folkmusic #baul #bengal #performer # #dance #dancer #baulmusic #music #india #indian #performingarts #musician #ektara #singer #exotic #culture #incredibleindia #indianmusician #sufi #mystical #bhajan #fusion #baulguru #osho #mystic #esoteric #shakti #lalonfakir
#purnadasbaul #shantiniketan, #birbhum #kolkata
Poetry by Nabani Das Khyapa Baul
A rare photo Of Nabani Das Khepa Baul and his Son Purna Das Baul the last of the Authentic Vaishnava Bauls of Birbhum. 1940's.
No funny business Nabani was a serious Sadhana (Tantric Baul Yogi).
No funny business Nabani was a serious Sadhana (Tantric Baul Yogi).
Legendary Lineage Bauls 1978 Australia Purna Das Baul and Manju Dasi
1982 -
Who is sitting in the audience in the front row, while Babu Kishan's father is performing Authentic the only Lineage Baul music?
Do you see Indira Gandhi in the front row she was a student of Babu's Grandfather Guru Nabani Das Khyapa Baul at Vishva Bharti where Nabani Das Baul.
Nabani Das Khyapa Paul was the first and only Baul Guru (professor appointed) by Rabindranath Tagore to teach Baul at Vishva Bharti and Indira Gandhi was his student because her father Nehru has Nabani Das Khyapa Baul sing all over India for him, Nehru knew the drawing power of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, this is part of the Freedom Movement and History of India.
Later, Babu Kishan's father Purna Das Baul and his wife Manju Dasi sang for Indira Gandhi, then so did Babu Kishan, they sang for Sanjay Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi before their political talks. There are many stories to be told and the now President of India Pranab Mukerjee was completely devoted to Indira Gandhi. They all were so close and there are many stories to be told.
Sitting in the audience is also, the President of India then Zail Singh seventh President of India, serving from 1982 to 1987. Indira Gandhi and all the Cabinet Ministers of India, including todays President Pranab Mukerjee who is also by the way Babu Kishan's uncle on his mothers side. Indira Gandhi was also, Babu Kishan's family friend his mother Manju Dasi was her great friend. Babu remembers being at their house all the time. One time he was a book beside her bed and he asked her what the book was, she said, the Bhagvada Gita and read it every night.
Purna Das Paul was performing because it was Jawaharlal Nehru birth anniversary in Delhi Teenmurti Bhavana. Hey and Babu Kishan was there too. This was his life, he has been there done that.
This is lineage, mystical and intellectual Baul beyond.
#incredibleindia #indianmusician #sufi #mystical #bhajan #fusion #baulguru#osho #mystic #esoteric #shakti #lalonfakir #baulmusic #baul #indian#babukishan #folkmusic #baulgaan #kabir #ektara
#timesofindia #purnadasbaul #shantiniketan #birbhum #kolkata #bengal#mamatabanerjee #pranabmukerjee #presidentofindia #baulmaster
Who is sitting in the audience in the front row, while Babu Kishan's father is performing Authentic the only Lineage Baul music?
Do you see Indira Gandhi in the front row she was a student of Babu's Grandfather Guru Nabani Das Khyapa Baul at Vishva Bharti where Nabani Das Baul.
Nabani Das Khyapa Paul was the first and only Baul Guru (professor appointed) by Rabindranath Tagore to teach Baul at Vishva Bharti and Indira Gandhi was his student because her father Nehru has Nabani Das Khyapa Baul sing all over India for him, Nehru knew the drawing power of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, this is part of the Freedom Movement and History of India.
Later, Babu Kishan's father Purna Das Baul and his wife Manju Dasi sang for Indira Gandhi, then so did Babu Kishan, they sang for Sanjay Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi before their political talks. There are many stories to be told and the now President of India Pranab Mukerjee was completely devoted to Indira Gandhi. They all were so close and there are many stories to be told.
Sitting in the audience is also, the President of India then Zail Singh seventh President of India, serving from 1982 to 1987. Indira Gandhi and all the Cabinet Ministers of India, including todays President Pranab Mukerjee who is also by the way Babu Kishan's uncle on his mothers side. Indira Gandhi was also, Babu Kishan's family friend his mother Manju Dasi was her great friend. Babu remembers being at their house all the time. One time he was a book beside her bed and he asked her what the book was, she said, the Bhagvada Gita and read it every night.
Purna Das Paul was performing because it was Jawaharlal Nehru birth anniversary in Delhi Teenmurti Bhavana. Hey and Babu Kishan was there too. This was his life, he has been there done that.
This is lineage, mystical and intellectual Baul beyond.
#incredibleindia #indianmusician #sufi #mystical #bhajan #fusion #baulguru#osho #mystic #esoteric #shakti #lalonfakir #baulmusic #baul #indian#babukishan #folkmusic #baulgaan #kabir #ektara
#timesofindia #purnadasbaul #shantiniketan #birbhum #kolkata #bengal#mamatabanerjee #pranabmukerjee #presidentofindia #baulmaster
When Babukishan created the Guduri in the 1970's his thought was that it was a symbol of Love and Unity among all people.. as the Ektara or Gopi Chand is a symbol of Peace Love and Unity for the Bauls the Guduri was created with this in mind.. Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul wore a real patchwork dress but it was somewhat different than what Babukishan created and the Bauls are wearing today.
Guduri, this patchwork dress that the Bauls are wearing today was created by Babukishan in the 1970's, as an attractive dress for Purna Das Baul. This costume was on record covers, magazines covers and festival performances all over the world. He created this multi coloured dress for a symbol of oneness, unity and peace for the world. A Symbol of no caste, no creed, all colors in one, multi-cultural.
Babu created this dress for his dad because in his mind he wanted to preserve Baul and while they were attending all the festival, concert hall, and doing lectures this dress would draw to what Baul was a multi coloured lineage.
Most Baul performers are wearing this dress today without even knowing who the master minded behind it is. Babukishan would go around to all the tailors and collect bright colors and his mother Manju Das would sew them together by hand creating this bright Baul costume.
Babu wanted that dress to promote his father Purna Das Baul at all festivals around the world including Poush Mela. Babukishan at first was endlessly criticized about this patchwork Guduri. However, hen his Dad first started wearing many fell in love with it and he received many compliments from people such as Dr. Ananda Shankar Roy, Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi, Pranab Mukerjee now President of India and his wife Mrs Subra Mukerjee. Tv Producer Abhijit Das Gupta, Jyoti Basu W Bengal former chief Mininster, Diretor General of India Radio. Dr Bhupeen Hazarika, Mithun Charabhorty, Bapi Lahari.. MF Huissen, Amarta Sen, Chuni Goswami and Allen Ginsberg they were all Babu's well wishers and they all loved his design, the design the new Bauls are wearing and do not even know where it came from.
Babu created this dress for his dad because in his mind he wanted to preserve Baul and while they were attending all the festival, concert hall, and doing lectures this dress would draw to what Baul was a multi coloured lineage.
Most Baul performers are wearing this dress today without even knowing who the master minded behind it is. Babukishan would go around to all the tailors and collect bright colors and his mother Manju Das would sew them together by hand creating this bright Baul costume.
Babu wanted that dress to promote his father Purna Das Baul at all festivals around the world including Poush Mela. Babukishan at first was endlessly criticized about this patchwork Guduri. However, hen his Dad first started wearing many fell in love with it and he received many compliments from people such as Dr. Ananda Shankar Roy, Priya Ranjan Dasmunsi, Pranab Mukerjee now President of India and his wife Mrs Subra Mukerjee. Tv Producer Abhijit Das Gupta, Jyoti Basu W Bengal former chief Mininster, Diretor General of India Radio. Dr Bhupeen Hazarika, Mithun Charabhorty, Bapi Lahari.. MF Huissen, Amarta Sen, Chuni Goswami and Allen Ginsberg they were all Babu's well wishers and they all loved his design, the design the new Bauls are wearing and do not even know where it came from.
The Legendary Baul Saint, Guru, Avadhuta, Sri Nabani Das Khyappa Baul, and his Grandson Babu Kishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul... Living Master of Baul and Bhakti Yoga. Nabani Das Baul was a Guru to many, he was Rabindranath Tagore's Baul Guru, the Baul who inspired and was best friends with Rabindranath. Nabani Das Baul was legendary.
Sri Nabani Das (Gosain) Khyappa Baul and his wife Brajabala Dasi both Baul Guru's
This Video below was recorded by Krishnendu Das Baul.. aka Babukishan
This is a recording of Babukishan's uncle Laxshman Das Baul recorded in the USA 1967, although the album was a huge success the Baul's never recieved any money from any of their early recordings in the USA.
"Linda Fleming _ My old friend Brian Davison, drummer of The Nice and Gong had this record and said if you listen carefully you can hear Bob Dylan singing on it.
Babukishan's beautiful Pure Vaishnava Baul 'Grandmother' Brajabala Dasi probably one of the last authentic Baul women from this lineage. Brajabala Dasi raised Babu Kishan until he was 8 when Nabani passed into samadhi she sent him to Calcutta to be with his birth Mother Manju Dasi and Father Purna Das Baul. Brajabala taught Babu Kishan taught him all the stories orally in Sanskrit through until she passed in the 1990's, a very very sweet person she was very much his Vaishnava Baul Guru.
Old Statue in Shantiniketan Bhirbum W Bengal India of Sri Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul this statue was commissioned by Rabindranath Tagore in honor of Nabani Das Baul whom he loved.. Perhaps one day soon we can get it restored in Nabani's memory he was one of the last origninal Bauls, the Bauls consider Nabani Das a Baul Saint..
Old Statue in Shantiniketan Bhirbum W Bengal India of Sri Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul this statue was commissioned by Rabindranath Tagore in honor of Nabani Das Baul whom he loved. Perhaps one day soon we can get it restored in Nabani's memory he was one of the last origninal Bauls, the Bauls consider Nabani Das a Baul Saint.
'Mirror of the Sky' the name another name Rabindranath Tagore gave Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, Rabindranath Tagore had the above statue built of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul in Nabani's honor of Nabani, by famous Sculpturer (Ram Kinkar Baij).
And named a bridge 'NabaniSetu' on river Ajay, Kenduli Birbhum.
Nabani is the only Baul who initiated Tagore into Baul and he gave him the name
Ravi (Robi Baul).
'Mirror of the Sky' the name another name Rabindranath Tagore gave Nabani Das Khyapa Baul, Rabindranath Tagore had the above statue built of Nabani Das Khyapa Baul in Nabani's honor of Nabani, by famous Sculpturer (Ram Kinkar Baij).
And named a bridge 'NabaniSetu' on river Ajay, Kenduli Birbhum.
Nabani is the only Baul who initiated Tagore into Baul and he gave him the name
Ravi (Robi Baul).
#goddessvidya #vedicgoddess #shaktividya #mahavidya #shaktisadhana #baultantra #shakti #goddess #vidya #goddess #yoga #jyotisha #ayurveda #kirtan #mantra #sacredsound #soundhealing #jaima #joyma #baul #india #bengal #bhaktiyoga #babukishan #jyotish #vedicastrology