Find the middle balance point and pivot from there.
If you have a weak Mars, then it is helpful if you practice martial arts to refine Mars. If your Moon is weak then it is useful to mediate upon the moon over a long period of time. If Mercury is weak then perhaps learning to write, develop discernment, taking courses in commerce, or joining a speakers corner is helpful. If your Jupiter is weak check to see if you have good judgement. If your Sun is weak then develop leadership and self confidence.. It is endless and we are all different. These are just brief examples.
There are a million karmas and remedies in this Life and as soon as you get one karma figured out, ten more are waiting down the line in the shadows ready to be released and you will need new remedies applied to solve the new mystery of your SELF. Healing and receiving a remedy takes patience, focus, and effort. To make changes and overcome obstacles takes time it all depends how deeply or FIXED the karmas are. There are millions of remedies and trillions of different Karma's which can be fixed and non fixed and both.
Mastery is very rarely a straight line.
Time changes all the time, when you have one time period mastered another time period shows up from our earthly lifeline another shadow creeps forward and wants to be heard.
Sometimes the Universal power will say hey, you are doing really well at overcoming your karma and I am going to add on a little more karma for you to deal with because you have showed you are good at transformation.
Mastering your SELF and healing can be a double edged sword.
The Universe might smile down on you and say, congratulations you have done a great job dealing with that karma. We are now presenting and giving you the opportunity to clean up a bigger load of Karma, a load long forgotten. You even might say, 'Why Me'? Why me, why do I have to deal with this, when in actual fact it is a boon from the Universe graduating you so you do not have to deal with it in your next life.
Yes, Karma exists and it exists at an astronomical level of millions of past births (Sanchitta Karma) long forgotten with many kept for future births, however, if you are doing a great job the Divine might say here is a chance to progress even faster and you might say, Why me Lord, Why me, when the karma is handed to you as a gift.
Your head might spin when you find out how deep your ocean of karma is.
My point being just because you have had your chart read and were given a quick remedy, to be Happy, so that you get what you want, a marriage, a child, money, a home, a problem solved, does not mean that your life battle is over. A really good template is necessary and years of work and development are necessary. One must have a strong reference point and developing this takes time.
Suffering is one of the things that is guaranteed here on earth. I am not saying to accept suffering. I am saying you must apply your own effort. The work has just began and it is a life long process.
It will be different for everyone, it is important once you have started learning about your place in the universe through Vedic Astrology to continue to dig deep and deeper, to go inner and deeper inside of yourself.
Each time you have an Vedic Astrology update you will learn something else about your life, it is impossible to give you everything in one chart reading. Vedic Astrology is a practice, it is a Tantric Sadhana (practice) of learning about your (SELF) and your place in the Universe.
Just as one Yoga class will not teach you all about your self, Vedic Astrology is an ongoing unfoldment of your SELF, your purpose, your financial situation through work and career and other peoples money, your pleasures in life and how to find your own way to freedom. It is about You and you have taken a million lifetimes to get to Now and you have lived a life, it can not be solved in one reading, it is a practice done over a lifetime.
It takes time to digest and do the practices whether they be modern or ancient, it takes commitment to change. There is no magical miracle although some say they can do this for you and the guarantee their magic readings. You have to do the work, you must apply effort as in anything in life while at the same time never giving up on miracles and magic. In my 60 years of life I have found both work in conjunction with each other but all come from your individual power of Self and belief in yourself.
My approach is Self-exploration, Self-help, Self Examination, Self-development, 'tool kit' oriented, the more tools you have the better you can heal yourself and become your own best advisor and healer.
My readings mystical and about uncovering the shadow, making visible, what is not visible. I have spent since 1980 learning new techniques I spent many decades in practice with really strong teachers, ten years with a Kung Fu Master sometimes 3x a week in practice over and over. I have studied Vedic Astrology for more than 20 years, and have been in deep practice in all things India for almost 30 years the past 23 years in direct contact 24/7 with Babu Kishan who is a Master of Indian Philosophy, Baul, Indian Music ect... see his page on this site. So I am not new to all of this. I do very few readings because I am a professional Astrologer but all depending on what I am doing because I am writing books right now and helping Babu Kishan with projects. If you come to me for a reading it is because most likely you have a karma with me.
After any reading I always try to be available by email to help guide anybody or coach at no extra cost for questions that pertain to a remedy.
I want humanity to be free and self sufficient, when starting a mantra (chanting) practice many things will manifest and many questions will need to be answered. I would rather hear from you and know that you are Ok at anytime. Remedies change over time, time continues to change and adjustments need to be made.
If there is any way I can help, rather than leaving you spinning with a million Questions. Please if you have had a reading and have questions ask freely at my email:
[email protected]
Although I do offer an ongoing spiritual coaching program but that is different from a reading this is for the person who has a burning desire and really wants to know. I have had this burning desire all my life and this has put her deeper and deeper into practice study and in places I never dreamt of going for decades.
Peace Freedom Love