If it feels like your worlds are colliding, if you feel agitated and then nothing, if you feel like a fight and then forgot what the fight was about?
Mars and Saturn are very close right now, (planetary war) and will conjunct on Wednesday August 15, be extra aware when traveling or pick your fights very carefully, if you have strong martian energy (quick, focused) it may not be a great conductor for Love and IF it is LOVE you WANT always think of the other person first.
Remember each person has a right to be successful.
Mars likes to push ahead and can be a very focused energy, Saturn moves a bit slower but really gets the lesson so be understanding.
In Tai Chi there is a great remedy, there is a practice that is an energetic movement called 'Push Hands' which is really Push and Pull hands this is a martial art, TAI CHI PRACTICE.
MARS conjunct Saturn
Push and Pull
Standing with a partner using you arms you gently push the other person and circle around as they pull at you, it becomes a circular dance where when pulled you relax into the pull, when pushed you relax into the push creating enough flow and energetic release at the right time. When pulled do not fall into flow into instead you recover your balance.. When pushed lean with it releases the grip of the Push.
balance balance and flow with life, don't get trapped by the corners or conflicts, relax just enough to let the force escape and regain composure. Stay focused on the still point, weave in and out dodging the blows of Mars and balancing the delay of Saturn
Be careful until the end of September 2012.