We always have two things or more at play in a day, the Lunar day and the Solar Day.
Two halves of a whole, Moon Yin (Shakti) Feminine Energy with many layers because to make matters even more strange the moon is personified as (Chandra a male) and Yang (Shiva) Male energy, they are at play in everything with overlapping energies of DNA (ancestors)and our past life karmas that overlay and overlap. We must know what category we are communicating in thus we have Ganesha the lord of categories who puts everything in its appropriation category.
We have our own mind and the layers of our mind emotional, intellectual & higher mind, the minds of others, the minds of other spirits and minds of the unseen, the mind of the God, and Goddess's. Who is your mind listening to, which level are you reacting to in this life. If the Sun (Surya) shines brightly in your life the sun can burn away the voices that are not working in your best atma (sat chit ananda) interest.
Remember we are always multi-tasking, multi-layered HUMAN BEINGS thus nothing is so simple as this or that, reality is complex.
Om Surya Namaha