Lord Rama, said Maharshi Valmiki in Ayondhya Kanda 2.31,32 in praise of his virtues ‘…. is well versed in the tenets of Dharma, firm in his commitments, an epitome of propriety, uncritical, forgiving, compassionate to the poor and miserable, soft-spoken, grateful, in control of His senses, kind-hearted, endowed with a steady intellect, ever engaged in universal good, non-calumnious, agreeable in His speech to all beings and truthful.’
To Sri Rama bhaktas, He is not simply a good and a great person, but God Himself. He is also the divine omnipresent, omnipotent and omniscient God. The destruction of the ten-headed Ravana signifies the annihilation of the mind or the ten senses. Worship of Lord Rama is worship of the all-pervading Godhead Himself. In the Yuddha Kanda of the Ramayana, Mandothari and Brahma refer to Rama as the one Creator of the universe, the God of all, the Ruler of the universe.
Yogi Ananda Saraswathi