A Baul from Birth born in the village of Suri Birbhum W Bengal given at birth and handed to his grandparents Nabani Das Kheppa Baul and Brajabala Dasi they named him Krishnendu now KD Babukishan.
Osho knew Babukishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul personally he did not know any other Bauls, he wrote 2 books on Bauls that are not completely accurate. Babukishan, asked him to change the books, he said he would but he passed away before these books could be changed. Babukishan spent many, many hours with OSHO talking about the Bauls of Bengal.
The books on Baul Osho wrote are way too simplistic with many assumptions made about who and what the Bauls of Bengal are, you must remember Osho is not a Baul he is not from Bengal.
Osho said Bauls were not philosophers, that is not true they are the biggest of philosophers, they are poets and most Bauls are singing the poetry from this lineage or Lalon Fakir's poetry which nobody knew until this family went back to Bangladesh in the 1970's and recorded it thus Baul became associated with Lalon Fakir.
Manju Das, (Babu's birth mother) was from Bangladesh and her father was a Sanskrit Professor at Dhakha University, in 1952 they had to flee for their lives because Jogesh Das spoke Bengali and Sanskrit. There were not any Bauls in Bangladesh in those day or very few, there however, dervish, Fakir, Sai, Shah which somehow got lumped in as Baul but they are not they are all Sufi, Baul for thousand of years has been based on Indian Philosophy, they accepted all people who rejected by other groups including Sufi. Bauls talked about everybody, you will not necessarily find that with Sufi or other groups mostly they talk about Allah.
Many students at the University of Dhakka were killed during the 1952 student protests Wikipedia only mentions 4 there were many others including Jogesh Das's brother who was beheaded.
Baul is simple if you grew up with the Guru and spoke sanskrit, learning all the philosophy from birth it is really easy if you are from the lineage. It is a Guru parampara tradition, too many people write inaccuracies about he Bauls because Bauls do not give out information easily. Babukishan also knows most of the scholars who have written books about the Bauls and he himself has written 3 books about the Bauls back in the 1980's, the real Bauls are basically extinct they need accurate preservation not speculation and a rewriting of what is already inaccurately written.
This below statement made by Osho is accurate is some ways and in some ways if you take this literally it is totally inaccurate and over simplified. What Osho said regarding the Bauls of Bengal is just fluff he never knew any Bauls other than Babukishan and he had written the books before he met Babu and passed away before he could fulfill his promise to Babukshan to change the books.
Worldwide Copyright all rights reserved 2012 as this is all being written about and will be in our book "Baul Unplugged. The true story of The Bauls of Bengal written by a living lineage holder. by Babukishan aka Krishnendu Das Baul
"To be a Baul nothing is needed. In fact, the moment you need nothing, you become a Baul. The moment you are unburdened and you don't possess anything, any past, you are a Baul. No, things like that are never originated. Nobody creates them; they happen. They are part of nature.
Source - Osho Book "The Beloved, Vol 1" — withBaul Guru.