Mystic Bhakti of Birbhum West Bengal India
The Wind Catchers
"The roots of Baul, this Legendary Lineage of Baul is the oldest "Baul Oral Living Lineage" on earth. This is the "Nabani Das Baul and Brajabala Dasi" Lineage. It is thousands of years old. This lineage brought Baul to the world in the 1950's otherwise who would know anything about Baul. They opened the door for future Bauls. Lineage of Sri Nityananda of Ekchakka, Birbhum West Bengal India. "Baul is the poetry of the the dancing bee that tells us where the honey is." based on Indian Philosophy.
Lineage is never one, 2, or 3 generations, it goes way back and is oral Sanskrit.
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