The only Legendary Baul and the last of the real Bauls of Bengal, (Lineage Baul) Nabani Das Khyappa Baul
These 5 songs made Baul famous worldwide.. these songs and the tune are from Babukisha's lineage and his family. His grandfather Sri Nabani Das Khyeppa Baulwrote the lyrics to "Ghole Male Ghole Male," "Bhalo Kore Porga Schoole," and "Menka Mathay Delo"... all writen by Nabani Das Baul and music composed by him.
In recent times they were made super famous by the one and only "legendary Baul of our time Purna Das Baul" who is Babuksihan's and Nabani Das Baul son.. these songs were recorded by Indian Cinema's legendary music directors of "Hindustan Records which was the first official Indian Music Company in India." These 3 music directors were Bengali's, Pan kaj Mallick, Timir Baran, Raichand Boral. These famous music directors recorded Purna Das Baul because Purna Das is the best Baul singer and because these music directors respected Nabani Das Baul, they were his friends and well wishers. 20x Ghole Male Ghole Male was recorded 20 X worldwide and 18 of those times it was recorded 18X by Babukishan and everytime it was recoreded it was a hit. Today this song is sung by Bauls without any of them giving credit to the Baul who wrote it or made it famous.
None of these songs are Bengali folk songs they are Baul songs from a many thousand year old lineage and should be treated with respect not songs to be sung on singing shows or in Movies without any understanding of where they came from or who wrote the songs?
(Another of Nabani Das Baul songs is Hridmjhare Rakhbo, from this lineage..) Singing Babukishan
1. Ghole Male Ghole Male, Nabani Das Baul song.
The Ektara's in the picture are hand made by Babukishan himself.... and he is playing the dolak in this version of Gole Mali Gole Mali..
2. Jemon Beni, Rasaraj Gosai (Nabani Das Baul's uncle) wrote this...he was one of the prominent sanskrit scholars and Baul poet in Bengali history, he was a sanskrit master. Never married and the greatest tantric and tantric poet. Music composed by Nabani Das Baul and Purna Das Baul is the first to record it. I just want to let you know this is not a Bengali folk song, none of these songs are folk songs they are Baul songs of Sadhana with a deep philosophical meanings.
3. Bhalo Kore Porga Schoole... Nabani Das Baul song and tune, it is a song about about Sri Chaitanya mahaprabu, and Nityanada Revolution.. Actually the Bauls made this revolution famous and Gaudiya Math and Iskcon high-jacked their songs ect and distorted what Baul is???.. there is something that people need to understand Chaitanya was not a poet or Baul he was a scholar, it was Nityananda and his lineage going back thousands of years that were the poets, philosophers, Hare Krishna singers and dancers....
4. Menka Mathay Delo.. Nabani Das Baul song and tune.
5. (Another of Nabani Das Baul songs is Hridmjhare Rakhbo, from this lineage..) Singing Babukishan