Bhuavanam means the Universe. Goddess Bhuvaneshvari is the Queen of the Universe or the realm of beings: Bhuvana Ishvari. She carries all worlds as a flowering of her Self nature. Space is the Matrix in which all creatures come into being and the Goddess represents space. As Aadi Shakti, she is the field all things grow and allow all things their place and function. She is the Cosmic womb giving birth to all worlds. As space, Bhuvaneshvari is complimentary to Kali who is time. As Buvaneshvati creates objects in space, Kali creates these events in time. Events are merely episodes in Kali, hence all places are merely phase of the divine dance of the Divine Mother. This is the two main faces of Shakti as infinite and eternal. Bhuvaneshvari is the witness, the observer and enjoyer of the Cosmic thandava.
Knowing Her as the ground on which we stand and the reality which pervades us, we gain the capacity of Shakti to accomplish the highest practices of Yoga. Worshipping her promotes a cosmic vision and absolves us from the narrowness of opinion and belief. When she blesses one with universal understanding, one goes beyond all identifications of class, creed, race, religion or color. This world vision is global understanding. It is a sense of the infinite.
Maa is usually stated to be the fourth of the Mahavidyas. She share various attributes of the Devis. Goddess Parvathi is saguna roopa of Bhuvaneshvari. Maa is also considered as the Mother Goddess of Kali, Lakshmi and Saraswathi. In this sense she is Gayathri. As the potent power of Shakti, Ma Bhuvaneshwari is beyond the powers of the Navagrahas. She is also in control of the Trimurthis. Thus according to scriptures Maa is beyond illusions and her power over worldly illusions gives her the power to retrieve humans from the grips of Maya.
She is the power that measures out the universe. So Goddess Bhuvaneshvari is also called Maya. Space has many levels; space of the physical Universe and the space of mind. Thus She symbolises the dynamic power of Shiva which manifests itself in a multitude of visible and impermanent forms. Inconstancy and impermanence are unreal. It is when things are measured that we are in limited forms and forget the underlying unitary space in which they appear. This is the coming of illusion. Manifest forms are merely waves in Mother’s infinite space.
As Kali is the power of Action (kriya-shakti) and Sundari is the power of Knowledge (jnana-shakti), Bhuvaneshvari is the power of Love (iccha-shakti). Love creates space and provides freedom. It does not limit or try to posses, which is the action of selfish desire. Yet the space of love is not an empty or unfriendly space, it is a space that nurtures and gives room to grow and flower. If love does not give space, it is not a Divine Love. The Devi Pranava for this Goddess is Hirim, the equivalent of Om. Hirim refers to Mother’s heart. In human body, the heart is where the infinite space of the Universe resides. This is the seat of the Divine Mother. She is also worshipped through the mantra Ma as she is also called Shri Ma. Sri Matre Namaha is the 34th name in Lalitha Sahasranamam signifying naval and heart chakras.
Those seeking the supreme peace of Maa should invoke for the power of infinite expansion peace and equanimity. Maa is the natural sound for mothers. May Ma Bhuvaneshvari allow you gestures and boons to realise your place in Cosmic space. May She bless that you limit your measures or comparisons and not fall into the traps of Maya. May mother bless one and all to learn to see the space of the Mother which is the embrace of Consciousness. May you have the intellect to realise all apparent objects of world in their diverse forms of reality. May the day ahead be pleasant. Be kind and loving always. Hari Om
Yoga Ananda Saraswati.