‘Final conclusions of Saivism.’
It is the formalized theology of the divine revelations contained in the twenty-eight Saiva Agamas.
Siddhantam would part ways with Vedanta.
Siddhanta principles are intertwined with the bhakti path of liberation.
Even simple concepts such as maya would find different definitions.
For Saiva Siddhantins, Shiva is the totality of all, understood in three perfections: Parameshvara - the Personal Creator Lord, Parashakti - the substratum of form and Parashiva - Absolute Reality which transcends all.
Souls and world are identical in essence with Siva, yet also differ in that they are evolving.
Within this paradigm, Shaktam, Mother Goddess worship finds a consensus both to be in yoga with Shiva and also stand independent of Shiva.
God is Satchitananda and Parasiva, existing simultaneously.
Siddhantam holds that all the elements of Creation becomes united with God and back to pre-creation stage. Siddhanta is the philosophy of choice of Saivite mystics and yogis.
The other schools of Saivism are:
Pashupata Saiva,
Vira Saiva,
Siddha Siddhanta or Bheda-abheda,
Kashmir Saiva and
Siva Advaita.
Yogi Ananda Saraswati