Trishula Musings:
In the NOW, right now, it does not matter what the conspiracy theories are? I have collected over 100 different articles, from remedies, to blame, to shame, different theories and realities creating fear and some good information too.
Please do not be racist there is a difference between the communist government of China and the Chinese people. The reality is in front of us right now.
Be safe, wash your hands, follow the protecals being given out. Do not spread Covid 19, stay at home as much as you can and use your time wisely.
There are 2 ways of looking at this - an opportunity or an Apocalypse.
The biggest thing you can do right now is raise your immunity, hate, anger, blame lower it consciously or unconsciously, this is a fact of the nervous system. The automatic nervous system consists of the parasympathetic nervous system - the relaxation response, immunity, healing, balance. The Sympathetic nervous system is FIGHT OR FLIGHT.
RIGHT NOW, HERE AND NOW we all need to keep the para-sympathetic nervous system activated, be a warrior of healing, even if China is to blame, work against the wave by taking care of your immune system. When we get through this and come out the other side, then we can fight. Right now fight for your immunity by staying out of reaction.
Stay in reality, one breath at a time, gratitude, and help where you can.
Do not spread fear, hate or racism.
Fire Image thanks to My son Myles from his hike over Kelowna BC the other day.
Photo: Bengali Ma Chandika 1800's Calcutta.
In the NOW, right now, it does not matter what the conspiracy theories are? I have collected over 100 different articles, from remedies, to blame, to shame, different theories and realities creating fear and some good information too.
Please do not be racist there is a difference between the communist government of China and the Chinese people. The reality is in front of us right now.
Be safe, wash your hands, follow the protecals being given out. Do not spread Covid 19, stay at home as much as you can and use your time wisely.
There are 2 ways of looking at this - an opportunity or an Apocalypse.
The biggest thing you can do right now is raise your immunity, hate, anger, blame lower it consciously or unconsciously, this is a fact of the nervous system. The automatic nervous system consists of the parasympathetic nervous system - the relaxation response, immunity, healing, balance. The Sympathetic nervous system is FIGHT OR FLIGHT.
RIGHT NOW, HERE AND NOW we all need to keep the para-sympathetic nervous system activated, be a warrior of healing, even if China is to blame, work against the wave by taking care of your immune system. When we get through this and come out the other side, then we can fight. Right now fight for your immunity by staying out of reaction.
Stay in reality, one breath at a time, gratitude, and help where you can.
Do not spread fear, hate or racism.
Fire Image thanks to My son Myles from his hike over Kelowna BC the other day.
Photo: Bengali Ma Chandika 1800's Calcutta.