Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul and Deben BattacharyaDeben Battacharya and Baul Saint Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul were great friends. Deben Bhattacharya wrote a great article in the London Times 'NABANI DAS KHYAPA BAUL A MILESTONE of BAUL of BENGAL' early 1940's, he also wrote a small book on Nabani Das Baul, which has some inaccuracies in it.. especially the death of Nabani Das Baul.. it is a very simple book.Baul Saint Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul was a renowned Baul of the "only" oldest living lineage of Baul. Today all Bauls sing his songs but do not even know who he is. It is sad to see Bauls making up stories of lineages, or making Baul about neo tantra and smoking ganja. Baul is ancient they were the original Hare Krishna singers and dancers in West Bengal India. Baul comes from the soul there is no acting. We are in the process of archiving all Nabani Das Baul songs and songs of the ancestors of this lineage to keep Baul in a context and to stop some of this nonsense of making up lineages and then behind the back singing songs from this lineage?? Baul songs are not folk songs, the term folk song became associated with Baul because the Bauls did not understand english and it was the easiest way to describe Baul to a foreigner or outsider, somone who is from outside the tradition. Now Bauls have learned english and people have a greater understanding of yoga, so it is not necesssary to describe them as folk singer, they are sadhaka's and spiritual singer of the highest of Indian Philosophies.When Nabani Das Baul introduced Baul to the world there was only "one" lineage, now everyday a new lineage is born with their new stories of new teachers and lineages, sometimes they will give their teachers name and it usually is not a Baul or it was someone who associated with this lineage and perhaps does not want to be associated anymore so they make up stories or even perhaps they want to create something new. Yet they are still singing the song of this lineage but with no acknowledgment of where they got the information from or who wrote the songs, everything has to come from somewhere, don't sing songs from this lineage then make up new lineage.... this is not in alignment with the soul. Bauls are soul singers, Bhakti Yogi's.
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Trishula Sandra Das
Bhakti Masala Blog Practitioner of Jyotish, Yoga Tantra, Ayurveda, Shakti Sadhana, Bhakti Yogi for 40 years. ~ VedicAstrologer ~ ~ Researcher East & Western Wisdom, Past Life Regression, Mysticism ~ ~ Mind Body Soul~ Believer in Love, Humanity, Peace, freedom & Soul Mates ~ Baul Scholar ~ ~ Qigong Master ~ ~ MOTHER ~ #Bhakti #BhaktiYoga Archive
September 2021
Trishula Das Various Authors... October 2012
-Babukishan with the Patnaiks from San Diego -Amar Monar Manush "My Soul Mate" -God the Absolute -Lord Sarabeswarar -Sir John Woodroffe -Chakravaka -Ashvin's -Lord Sudarshana -Agastaya's Curse -Pushan -Film of Ramakrishna -Agori Om Nama Sivaya 4 types of Karma -Narashima -Ishvara -Ram -Tao the Way -Kabalam Padam -Sri Ramakrishna Says -Nectar of Immortality, -Sanatan Dharma vs Hindu -Pancha Tantra Agamas -Prajapati -[Scriptures of Sanatan Dharma] -Virabhadra -Gajendra Moksha -6 Indian Philosophy's -Ganapathi Tantra -Why Indian Philosphy ? -Rudra -Pitru Paksha Sept 2012 -About Kashmir Shaivism -Kashmir Saivite Masers -In Defense of Sanskrit -Karaikal Ammaiyar -Kirhna is immersed in Radharani's consciousness Sambhavamy Atma Mayaya -Shiva and his Trishula -Lord Hanuman -Indian Philosophy -Shiva the Pure One -Lord Narayana -Nandi -Calcutta Ganesha -Kali Puja Calcutta early 1900 -Krishna Siddivanayak Ganesha -Ganesha -Saraswvati in the Ocean in Bali -Vivekanananda 1893 -Mahashakti Strotra -Lord Chitragupta -Devi & Deva Vehicles -Ganesha -Dharma & Truth -Shiva -Hanumanji Rare Panchatytcum Image -Shiva & his army -Lord Kubera -SadaShiva -Lord Shiva -Lord Nataraja -Lord Indra =============== July 2010 -Times of India- Babukishan Leader of the Modern Bauls January 2011 -Baul 101 -Baukishan, making Baul History -Makara Sanskranti, Baul, Joydev Mela -Bangla Washington Radio interview with Babukishan -Baul Instruments February 2011 -Mystic Gold Baul Song -Baul History March 2011 -What is Lineage April 2011 -Baul 101 Part 1 May 2011 - Baul 101 Part 2 July 2011 -The Rasa Lila Mystics -Baul is... January 2012 -Story about Bauls -Surrender to Ma Durga -Why say Jai Ma?? -What is an authentic Teacher? -Indigenous People -Documentary link on the Ganges River by BBC -What is Sahajaya -Bauls are Bird people.. -Babukishan a Ramakrishna Monk for 12 years.. -Rabindranath Tagore and Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul -I have become a Mad women..poem by Trishula -Jyotisha Musings -Ananadamayi Ma -Gour Chand Hospital -Baul Part 1 ~ Hanuman Chalisa produced music Composed by Babukishan -Baul Part 2 -Babukishan Bowery Poetry Club -Bauls are not Gypsy's -Baul song -Gosai Das Baul Lineage -WHO IS BABUKISHAN AKA KRISHNENDU DAS BAUL - Begging for Prema -Jemon Beni Temni Robe -Book on Babukishan's Life -Baul Song -Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul -Hansaraj 1976 film -Radharani Dasi and her husband Gopal Das Baul -Statue of Nabani Das Baul -Raikamal Film -Roots of Baul -Mirror of the Sky -Nimai -Vaishnava Baul more than a Phd... -Hridmajhare Rkhbo -BHAVA -Babukishan Author of 3 books on Baul -O Senseless Heart -Nabani Das Baul -Bengali Kali Ma and Lord Shani Photo -My Forest Yoga -Your Feet -Ganesha's qualities February 2012 Bauls are thousands of years old.. ancient March 2012 -What is Lineage April 2012 -Baul 101 Agora National Part 1 May 2012 -Ramakrishna Says.. -Ramakrishna Says.. -Rudrasha's -Swami Samath Maharaj -Nityananda of Ekkchakra, Nitai was a Vaishnava Baul -Nabani Das Baul the Mirror of the Sky -Swami Vivekananda's Mother -Ramakrishna 1887 -Sarada Maaa -Baul Song What is after death? -Ancient Vimanas Flying Machines -Subtle picture of fire Puja -Fire Puja -Kali Kali Namaha by Babukishan -Saturn Lord Sani in India -Vivekananda -Ramakrishna -Nabani & Sahajaya -Baul Song -Chapter 1 Avadhuta Gita -Why we shout when angry -Mandukya Upanishad -Lord Vishnu -Sarasvati Ma -Nabani & Tagore -Concept of Love in the Puranas -Bhuveaneshavari Maa Devi -Baul song by Babukishan -Babukishan in Haridwar -Vimanas Ancient Flying machines....cont'd -Ananadmayi Maa June 2012 -Radha worships Krishna as Kali -Oral Tradition -Vishnu -Radha/Krishna Kali -Rabindranath Tagore -Babukishan was a monk in the Ramakrishna order for 12 years -Tagore Said.. -Vedic Space ships.. -Joydev Gita Govinda Kenduli and the Vaishnava Bauls -Ananadamayi Ma -Kali Ma Video -Nabani Das Baul & Indira Gandhi -Shiva Lord of Tantra and Yoga -Vaishnava Bauls and Shiva/Kali -Shri Monhananda Brahmachari -Chanakya July 2012 -Sadhu's -Rules for being Human -Ramakrishna -Vishnu the preserver -Nataraja -Hanuman -Guduri -Nabani Das Khyeppa Baul -Sacred Ash -Vaishnava Baul Lineage -Brahma -Dakinishwar Temple Calcutta -Hanumanji -Ganapathi is modern with his computer -Vivekananda in America -Old Dakinishwar Temple -Ramakrishna's Bed August 2012 -Photo of Nabani Das Baul taken by Rabindranath Tagore -Shaiva Tantra -A tribute to Sitaram Das Omkarnathji -Sitaram Das Omkarnath & Ananadamayi Ma & Purna Das Baul -Ganpathi and Kali -Kamakhya Ambubadachi Mela -What you reject you attract -Old Cherokee saying..... -12 Jyotirlinga's Shrines in India -Ramakrishna -Old Kamakhya Painting -Krishna/Kali -Krishna/Kali 1800's -Chandika Old Painting -Chaitanya Leela 1895 -Yugala Murti -Kali Ghat 1890's -Jagannatha 1895 -Krishna 1895 -Krishna & Gopi's 1880 -Gaura Avritai Nitai Sundar Sri Nityananda -Sada Bhuja Gauranga -Vedas -Saiva Tantra -Maithuna Tantra the most misunderstood. -Rare picture Sept 2012 -About Kashmir Shaivism -Kashmir Saivite Masers -In Defense of Sanskrit -Karaikal Ammaiyar -Kirhna is immersed in Radharani's consciousness Sambhavamy Atma Mayaya -Shiva and his Trishula -Lord Hanuman -Indian Philosophy -Shiva the Pure One -Lord Narayana -Nandi -Calcutta Ganesha -Kali Puja Calcutta early 1900 -Krishna Siddivanayak Ganesha -Ganesha -Saraswvati in the Ocean in Bali -Vivekanananda 1893 -Mahashakti Strotra -Lord Chitragupta -Devi & Deva Vehicles -Ganesha -Dharma & Truth -Shiva -Hanumanji Rare Panchatytcum Image -Shiva & his army -Lord Kubera -SadaShiva -Lord Shiva -Lord Nataraja -Lord Indra October 2012 -Virabhadra -Gajendra Moksha -6 Indian Philosophy's -Ganapathi Tantra Vedic Goddess, Bauls, Babukishan, Baul, Bengal, Blog, Vaishnava Baul, Sri Nityananda, Sri Nabani Das Baul, Das Baul, Baul archive, Purna Das Baul, Lalon Fakir, Bhakti Yoga, Festivals, education, Oral Lineage, Rabindranath Tagore, Kirtan, Yoga, Kali, Krishna, Radha, singing and dancing, Indian music, Vedic, Vedic philosophy, Shantinekatan, kolkata,Calcutta, Yoga, Vedanata, Jyotish, love, freedom, Mysticism, Mystic, Tantric, Shakti Sadhana, Devi, Devata, Deva, Durga, Ganesha, Shiva, Mind, Body, Soul, Hatha Yoga, Tantra, Atma, Rasa, Rasa Lila, Jai Nitai, Jai Ma, Lila, Ramakrishna, Indian Music, Baul,