Musings on Karma…Why I practice Jyotish?
Jyotish is the Astronomy and “Astrology of Yoga” the Astrology of India. If you practice “YOGA” if you are a Yoga teacher you should also know something about Jyotish. One of the things a Jyotishi can do is be a Karmic map reader.
Jyotish is the science of light it is a Vedanga personified as the eyes of the Vedas, it is said it was given to us by the Rishi’s so that when we loose our way, loose our light the mysteries can be read in the stars of the Graha’s that grab us and use gravity to make us forget who we are. It is like a weather report if we understand that a planet is going to deliver something other than pleasant we can lessen the effects by understanding where we are and that through upaya or remedy we may through God/dess’s Grace lessen the karma.
KD Babukishan has come across many unscruplous Jyotishi’s in India, actually it was his study for a long time with his Jyotish Guru an uncle of his who was a Supreme Court Judge in Calcutta to study, watch and question Guru’s, mystics and jyotishi’s. This supreme court judge predicted that I would be Babu’s wife when he was 8 years old, he also predicted that a top person in the Indian Government would one day rule India. Everything he predicted for Babu down to my name and height and being from the North has come true, I love hearing the stories of their travels in India.
Jyotish is never meant to hurt people or scare people and should never be used to hold anybody a prisoner, it was meant to help people and rememdy their karmas not to control them or lecture them. Jyotish if abused can ruin your life by creating even more karma for yourself as a jyotishi.
Jyotish is a tantra, a sadhana that takes at least 7 lifetimes to master. Jyotish is ruled by the the Goddess of Jyotish the Jyotir Vidya the Lord of Jyotish is Ganapathi. It is worthwhile to practice as it keeps ones mind sharp, included in Jyotish is mantra remedy and sadhana’s, you can make it as complicated or vague as you would like….
Jyotish is about learning the mysteries of life and the universe and whether you have Guru’s grace one step at a time a person is moving in the right direction. As a child I was facinated with the stars in the sky and with nature I could hear their voices I could learn from the natural world this too is Jyotish. Seeing beyond the viel.
To be a great Jyotishi one has to have complete faith in God/dess, Guru, Ishta Devata, Gananpathi and the Jyotir Vidya the Muse of Jyotish and should be able to hear and see those voices clearly. One Jyotish Guru of mine told me a Jyotishi should be doing sadhana all the time, praying to the divine to help others and mystical.
Jyotish is the art and science of Karma it is the study and sadhana of light. It is the practice of how the different shades of light are downloaded as karma, our action and reactions, the timing and delivery of those reactions. The word Karma is thrown around without any real depth of understanding of the spectrum of how many lives karma can span. Karma is all our thoughts, words and deeds.
Jyotish being the study of karma our actions from the beginning of time stored in our causal body as a karmic bank account called Sanchita Karma from an unlimited thousands and perhaps millions of lives. The total sum about of your destined or fated karma.
Prarabha karma is ripe karma, karma that is ready and delivered, who our parents are, the colour of our skin or where we are from, it is the karma that one is to experience in this incarnation. The amount of karma you are destined or fated to experience in this life.
Kriyamana karma is the “do unto others as you would have others do unto you” in this moment it is the reaction or how you remedy karma that you have been given, whether it be creating new negative or positive karma or doing something to alieviate the reaction, it is our free will in the moment. Kri to do, what are you doing about it what will be your reaction to your past action. Yes, Yikes. This is your freewill, this is where we can correct or put into action a remedy to change our future. Nothing is black and white, the Grace is always flowing.
Then there is Agama Karma all future karma’s it all depends how well you work off the karmic debts from your Sanchita bank account how much you have left owing in the future lifetimes. Kriyamana Karma is the action we do to change our karma, Agama Karma is the plan to change the karma it is your vision of the life you want, it is you become what you think so think what you want. Know where you are going, which direction are you choosing?
Some Karmas are fixed, or flexible or a mixture, a fixed karma are those karmas that can not be changed no matter what we do, it is beyond any type of remedy.
How does one get off this wheel of time, this endless cycle of recyling of the lessons of life? In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna offers a way by saying offer everything you do to me in every moment dedicate all your actions to me. To me this means keep God/dess in your mind always by right action, right thought, right deed keeping your ishta devata first and foremost in your mind, you are not the doer Krishna, Radha or Ma is the doer follow those bright beings as an example of how to be, how to act, and what to think.
Jyotish is the study of when those actions are going to be downloaded for good or ill because good karma is still karma. It is the study of these 4 different types of karma mentioned above and how we can or can not minimize the effect of our actions or remedy them, it is about how much free will we will be given in this life. Everybody is given more or less freewill depending on past actions. It is about how we create karma in every moment how something from many lifetimes ago can hit us out of the blue and how in our mind we have been doing everything right in this life why do bad things happen to good people?? Yes, consciousness in every moment even in the most difficult of circumstances. It is a extremely present happening and one that comes out of not just this lifetime but many thousands before. Karma is never simple. The Bauls have a saying, “time rules” and “time will tell” these are sayings of Karma. Karma is past, present, future, when, and where? We do not always know why?