What Nabani Das is saying is....
The song is of the silent love which is the deepest intimacy of love expression, that takes place silently between beloved Krishna, and Radha. This profound deep love flows back and forth between Radha and Krishna. They do not want to lose eye contact.
I will keep you in my heart always and never let you go, because if the golden person of my life krishna goes I will never, ever get this person again, there is only one, there is no other for me, Krishna is my other half.
Krishna is invisible.. love is invisible.. everyday you have to say I love you.. I love you..I love you is the mantra... Love is like that out of site out of mind..you must constantly remember your beloved.
Radha.. always keeps in her heart.. the place of Braja.. This is where the pastime of Krishna and Radha take place..the memories of her play with her love Krishna.
When Krishna, and Radha are out of sight of each other, there is a strong feeling of speration, of deep loss, so they never want to be out of sight ...they want to gaze into each others eyes every moment
They are they are constantly pulling each other, constantly focused on each other. Eye to Eye, Heart to Heart, Mind to Mind, always remembering their deep Love.
Nabani is saying, "I want to go to Braja and take the dust of Braja, spread all over my body, let it seep into my sould, I want to keep them in my heart on my body forever and never to forget.. so I can feel Radha and Krishna, and their intimacy lila.. I want to become Radha/Krishna in every pour of my being.
I want to be mad in the name of Radha..
Vaishanava Baul brings the male and female into one body...Radha, and Krishna live in their hearts, they view Radha as superior because she has the power to pull Krishna. You will not a Baul never shaves their heads, the reason for this is Krishna has hair, and remember half of them is feminine so they like to wear ear rings also.. They want to emulate Radha too. This is their Lila..
I only want to be in a deep bhava crazy for Radha God intoxicated for Radha.... mad in Radha's name... in oneness with Radha..and Krishna
When Kirhsna smiles all the birds fly, deers play, flowers sing, everything becomes alive in Beauty, Colors become brighter.. It is Radha who makes Krishna smile..
Krishna was ugly so black.. but his smile made him beautiful .. Radha made krishna smile, she made him beautiful.. all the gopis became alive.. everybody woke up, everything was God intoxicated, alive, happy, vivid, bright, awake, ecstatic..
When Radha and Krishna have eye contact... "which they do not do in Indian culture with anybody, you only have eye contact with your beloved, only your beloved can look into your soul." ..
They would feel I want to be in eye contact, and I will gaze and go inside..feel love..soul mate love. The love is in the eyes, the gaze of deep soul love.
How many millions of years I have been traveling one life, to one.. to just get this human body so I can feel Radha and Krishna in my soul, .. if I sing beautiful Krishna, the king of the flute will be kind to me, and come to me.. and then I will never let go.. Radha says Krishna is Peace.. Krishna say Radha is peace.. they are soul mates..
Ok quickly Babu just translated, he feel we will not understand the deepness of this song.. there are not word to translate this old bengali.... It take days of talks to understand..
He thinks western culture will not understand the depth..I will try to get more later.. and try to do a better interpretation, but it is really hard.. because these songs are just seeds of higher philosophy.... Copyright 2012 all rights reserved